Chapter Five

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Percy's POV

Well we will surprise them won't we. We all have been sword fighting for like five years. I went over pretended to pick up a sword and pulled out riptide to use instead. Annabeth saw me and shook her head no.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"It's celestial bronze so they will notice that is isn't iron like the rest of their swords seaweed brain." Annabeth replied.

I sighed, put up riptide, grabbed another sword and walked over to a dummy. When she showed us the first moves we would be learning none of us paid attention.Then Tris said, "Percy and Jason sin e you weren't practicing on your dummies you two will go onto the floor and fight until one of you disarms the other. No purposeful maiming. GO!"

We walked onto the floor and started. We both went from defending to attacking and back, we stabbed slashed, blocked, and defending for about five minutes before that said we had to stop.

"You guys are good where did you get that skill from?" asked an awestruck Tris.

"Places." I tried to pull off.

We all knew better and did exceedingly well in all of physical training. I was first, Annabeth was second, Piper was third, Jason was fourth, Thalia was fifth, Frank was sixth, Hazel was seventh, and Leo was eighth out of the top 12 who get in. The rest were some dauntless borns.

"Now it's time for stage two." Tris said.

A/N: sorry about not updating and I don't really want to type out all of initiation at like midnight on my tablet so I won't be very descriptive during initiation because that is the only time I can type it. Sad life. I already know but I've got finals, and projects, and tests soooooo...

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