Chapter 3

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(Newt's POV)
I'm sitting on the counter, legs dangling off, in Tommy's kitchen. Straight ahead of me
Tommy is making bacon. Shirtless. I try to pry my eyes off his body but it turns out to be impossible, "enjoying the view?" He says turning around. My eyes widen, he is beautiful, he is with a shirt but without is breathtaking. I realize he asked a question but I'm stunned. "No, wait yeah....maybe" I say blushing a deep shade of red. He slowly walks over to me, standing between my legs, grinning he leans in. Just before our lips connect he stops, "Newt, I want you to enjoy the view". He smashes his lips on mine. I feel a wave of lose wash over me and feel my eyes open, that's when it all comes crashing down I was dreaming. Tommy didn't kiss me and he never would, he's straight and wants a friendship. I never even knew I was gay, I am and there is no denying it. Not with the way I like Tommy.
(Thomas's POV)
The light shining threw my window wakes me, I feel someone in my arms. I pull Newt closer to me holding him tight to my chest, then I remember we are just friends, Newt's not even gay that know of and neither am I so I let him go and get out of bed. After getting ready for the day I go to see if Newt is awake. He looks like he just woke up, he was stretching and had messy hair. He looked hot, but does that mean I'm gay? I've been in relationships with girls before but I never liked them like I like Newt. I sit on the edge of the bed facing him "sleep good?" I ask, "Ya, y-you made me feel safe" he blurts out. I laugh as he rubs the back of his neck, "hey don't worry about, I slept amazing with you in my arms" I joke, but to me it wasn't a joke it was the truth."So, what do you want to do today?" He asked leaning forward just a little, I'm still not over his accent,"well I would love to spend it with you, but we have children to look after" I wish it was just Newt and me for 2 weeks. "Well my mom is still in town, so we could drop the kids of there and...hang out" excitement jolted threw my body, a day with gorgeous Newt.Alone."Yes that would be amazing" I say a little to loud due to how happy I am. When the kids wake up, we grab a pair of clothes for them so they can stay in the PJ's and get in my jeep, which was messy. We say a quick hello to Newt's mom then head back to my house.
I don't know if anyone's reading this and I'm writing for fun but please leave suggestions
I think the chapters have been short so this ones a little longer
And I think I'm going to give up one a/n because there not very fun to read

There's No Denying ~Newtmas~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang