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I doubt I'll ever finish this fic so here's the notes I made for how I wanted it to go even though some of this is never mentioned in what I wrote whatever

- Frankie (oc) is in college
• same program as Freddie, they're good friends
• she shares an apartment with Mary (that's how freddie and her get together)
• she's in a band just for fun, they just play local/college shows, etc
• Freddie invites Roger to one of her college shows and that's how they meet
• Roger is attracted to her and likes her right away but Frankie has a massive crush on someone else in her and Freddie's program
• Roger still tries to come up with some sort of excuse to see her, talk to her and they end up becoming good friends
• Frankie eventually starts talking to the other guy and they go on a few dates before he turns out to be a dick
• even when she went out on the dates, she found herself comparing how well they get along to how well she and roger get along and gets jealous when other girls flirt with Roger (she has lowkey feelings, she just doesn't realize it)
• she realizes she has a full blown crush on roger after Freddie and Mary start teasing her for it, freddie tells her that he likes her back, so she's gonna make a move but then roger is dating someine else

I don't remember writing this - an unfinished roger Taylor ficWhere stories live. Discover now