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Roger's smile faltered for only a second, not wanting to bring any attention to himself or make things obvious.

Freddie was the only one that noticed. And that was only because he knew how Roger felt and was quick to look at him after Frankie spoke, already knowing it was a punch in the gut to Roger.

After Frankie introduced everyone and they all shook hands, she turned her attention back to Roger, who was trying his hardest to act the same as he was before.

"Me and Rog are going out for a smoke," she told George. "You're good to stay here with the rest of the boys?"

George nodded with a smile on his face before Frankie turned back to Roger and began walking out with him.

It was quiet for a little while between the pair as they leaned against the building and smoked.

Frankie didn't think anything of the silence. It was nice after being in the loud pub.

Meanwhile, Roger was trying to focus on behaving like normal. He wasn't even sure what 'normal' was at that point, as he had been prepared to ask her out just a few minutes before.

"Sooo," Frankie broke the silence. "What do you think?"

"Huh, sorry?" Roger said, coming out of his thoughts.

"George," she replied, still as energetic as before. "What do you think?"

"Seems nice," Roger replied flatly. "I mean, if you're happy with him, then....that's good."

It wasn't a lie.

The bigger lie would've been saying he was happy, but he wasn't. But he obviously couldn't tell her that. And he wasn't sure how convincing he would be in saying he's happy.

"I think you lot will get along," she thought aloud. "He's a big fan of your music. Told me he's jealous of your hair."


"Yours!" She laughed. "I agree with him. You do have lovely hair."

"Ah, thank you. I appreciate it," he replied honestly, trying to ignore the flipping feeling in his stomach when she said it.

It was quiet again.

And as much as Roger didn't really want to know about her new boyfriend, he still asked questions.
Like he would do with any other friend.

And in hopes that the answers would give him some peace of mind. That he'd find out it wasn't super serious.

"How long have you been together?"

"Five months," she replied.

Not too bad.

"How'd you meet him?"

"At a bar-"

"You? Meeting someone at a bar?"

"Shut up," she laughed with him. "I know, I know. But you know my friend Mary? She invited me out one night. Not long after you guys went away."

"And what? Just met him while waiting for drinks?" Roger was trying to sound as happy as he could while asking questions.

"No, no. We both know that's where the creeps are," she said, making them both laugh. "I went outside for a smoke and he bummed a cig off of me. And, I don't know, we just ended up talking. He wrote his number on my pack."

I don't remember writing this - an unfinished roger Taylor ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang