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Roger didn't see Frankie - or any of the boys for that matter - for the next few days after the show. Partly because he was jet lagged and trying to fix his sleeping schedule and partly because he thought that being away from them - Frankie - would somehow make him lose feelings and make the next time he saw her a lot easier.

Frankie didn't think anything of it. She knew the boys would need a few days to recuperate after their tour, and besides, she was working anyways.

It wasn't until probably five days after their pub show that Roger heard from Frankie.

It was around 11am on a Saturday, but Roger was still in bed, awoken by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Hello?" He answered, ready to cuss out whoever had woken him.

"Hi, Rog. It's Frankie," she replied. "Sorry, I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, no, no," he said quickly, sitting up in bed to try and sound more awake. "Not at all. What's up, Frankie?"

"Well, I've barely seen you since you've been back and I was wondering if you wanted to do something today."

"Of course. Anything in mind?"

"Well, I was going to go see Tim's new band with George tonight," she replied, and Roger couldn't help but roll his eyes at the mention of her boyfriend.

"But George can't go tonight now, and I don't want to go alone...."

"So, you're inviting me as a last resort?" He joked.

"You're the first person I've called about this!" She said with a laugh. "So? Do you wanna go?"

"Sure thing. Been a while since I've seen Tim. You're good company too, I suppose," he joked.

"Hey, I'm great company, and you know it!" She shot back.

"Oh, right, my mistake," he said, making both of them laugh. "What time's the show tonight?"

"Starts at 8 in the evening, I believe."

"I'll pick you up at 7 then."

"Sounds good. See you later, Rog. Love you!"

"Love you too, Frankie. See you then," he replied before hanging up and trying to get rid of the butterfly feeling that had appeared in his stomach.

Telling friends he loved them wasn't an uncommon thing for him, or any of them. He and the boys said it to each other, Frankie and the boys, and him and Frankie. Because they did all love each other - and even though Roger knew she said it in a platonic way, he couldn't help but react to it in the way he did.

So, after laying in bed for a few more minutes, Roger willed himself to get up and get ready for the day.


Once evening rolled around, Roger was on his way to pick up Frankie from her apartment, who was already sitting outside waiting for him.

"Ah, my chauffeur is here," Frankie joked as she got in the passenger seat. "How's your day been?"

"Fine. Uneventful," Roger replied as he began driving. "I basically just watched TV and cleaned my flat until it was time to come get you."

"You should've told me! I wasn't doing anything all day," she exclaimed. "Just waiting around for it to be time for me to start getting ready."

"I figured you were busy!"

"With what?"

"I don't, George," he replied.

I don't remember writing this - an unfinished roger Taylor ficWhere stories live. Discover now