Chapter 95|| Tales

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Needless to say, I slept at the Potter household for a week, and after a week, we had had no news, and everyone was starting to get worried. Everyone except Dumbledore, he walked into meetings like he knew everything, and he left with a grave smile, the man was getting too good at concealing who he truly was, and I was becoming rather annoyed by him.

After a week, Lily had become detached, she woke up, ate, walked around, and then sat. She sat, staring into the fire she had lit, like James' face would appear suddenly from it and make everything better, the only reason she got out of bed on the fifth day was for the baby, as I had constantly told her, she needed to keep healthy for the baby. Hers and James'. Alice and Marlene were no different, they had stayed over most nights too.

On the seventh day, there was a loud knock on the door, and the four of us had drawn out our wands and treaded suspiciously down the stairs, flinging open the door and coming face to face with Mary and Aafiya. The two were drawn away from the rest, the two girls had not joined the Order, but instead tried to lead a quiet and drawn away life, getting on with their jobs and talking with their family while they could.

As we realised it was really the two girls at the door, they had been brought in for long hugs and happy smiles, on our side at least. The two girls were worried, "I had visited St Mungo's for my broken arm, bringing Aafiya along, as you know what it's like nowadays, and saw people being rushed in on stretchers, I think we saw the boys. They were badly hurt."

No more needed to be said as we all held onto each other's arms and apparated to the outside of what appeared to be an abandoned building with a mannequin inside. But I knew better, it was the concealed entrance to St Mungo's, so that Muggle's would not become suspicious. Talking to the mannequin, we walked through the glass, with a strange feeling and stepped into the sterile, cleanliness of the wizarding hospital.

St Mungo's hospital was brightly lit, almost too bright, as my eyes squinted to adjust to the ceiling lights. The place smelled strongly of chlorine, which was greatly used to clean bacteria from surfaces, and floors, and such. It was a sight, there were people with strange ailments all talking loudly and rushing around, healers rushing to different wards and patients in a strange pattern. It was extremely different to a normal place.

"How can I help you?" a young, blonde receptionist asked as she spotted us looking around frantically. Lily rushed over to the front desk and mumbled, "Have you seen people brought in on stretchers, seriously injured?" The receptionist checked her list of writing and scanned her eyes slowly over the list, "For fucks sake, hurry up," Marlene said impatiently.

The witch scowled and nodded to Lily, "They were brought to the emergency ward, but I'm not allowed to let anyone in, least of all, randomers," she scanned her gaze over Marlene who sneered. "They're our husbands and friends, we need to see them, it's important," Alice cried, pleading with the blonde witch who now had raised eyebrows. She shrugged and sat back down, ignoring Marlene's frustrated screech.

"Athena!" We whirled around upon hearing my name and I saw Hestia Jones, limping over to us, her leg stiff, and a large gash upon her cheek. She limped to greet us and said, "Arthur's fine, and so is James and Frank, but Sirius and Dorcas are still being examined, it's unknown as to what curse struck them. But I do have something to tell you all, but I think you might need to sit down, follow me."

We followed her, Marlene giving one last triumphant look to the young receptionist who frowned, and we were led in front of a private room on the fourth floor, with the door closed, not allowing us to see the damage within. "Sit down," Hestia gestured kindly. Not needing to be told twice, and because my legs were shaking, I sat down, the girls followed suite. Hestia took a deep breath before explaining.

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