Chapter 96|| A war Christmas

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It was a given to say that the Christmas of 1980 was going to be a not so happy one, the joy not spreading over the wizarding world as much as it should have. The festive spirit seemed to be limited to Muggles and Death Eaters this year, it was those who could live with ignorance and pride that were the only groups cheerful around now.

It was also a disheartening fact that we could no longer celebrate with Euphemia and Fleamont this year, as contacting them and making a gathering would cause too much trouble and cause a large giveaway on our behalf's. So, we were limited to spending December twenty fifth with ourselves, of course, presents were given, and cards were sent out, along with long letters of why we missed each other, but we had to spend the days in our own confinement.

I had also begun to be one of the overprotective girlfriends, ever since Sirius returned home, I kept him confined to the apartment and James and Lily's, and even then, Lily kept an eye on the two, not letting them out of our sights. They complained rather a lot, but they didn't know the feeling of nearly losing someone.

Moving on from such tragedies on a happy day, I had delegated a task to Sirius who complained he was out of his mind with boredom. I had given him the job of decorating the house with decorations, but like a Muggle. He had complained at first but then found a liking and appreciation for making things himself or hanging decorations up by hand.

Sirius loved to decorate the tree by hand, he was very particular, so when he placed an ornament on the tree, he made sure that it wasn't similar to those around it and that it fit the concept so that every part of the tree would get an even spread. Even putting up the star on the top of the tree was his favourite part as he had always wanted to do so since he was a child.

"I think it looks great, don't you?" I had mentioned one evening as it was getting dark and the small lights, we had placed on the Christmas tree had lit up. Taking the compliment to his head, Sirius had bragged, "Well, darling, that's because I decorated it by myself, you see, I have the best taste in the house." I scoffed, but let him take it, so that he wouldn't start complaining.

"I miss civilisation, can you not allow me to escape from this dreadful prison and meet people?" Sirius complained on Christmas Eve, throwing his body against the bed, cringing when his ribs began to hurt. I rolled my eyes, "I'm not keeping you prisoner, idiot, it's just because I worry a lot and you're still hurt, see?" I told him.

"I'm not hurt, I'm completely well," Sirius said happily, taking his time to get up from the bed, and when he did stand up, he winced and held onto the nearest wall. Nevertheless, he grinned and began to dance, aiming to show me how fantastically well he was and how he had magically recovered from all of his cursed wounds. "Yeah, super fixed," I said sarcastically, grinning as he reached out for my hand.

He began to spin me around, leading me into the living room where there was more space. It was a well-known fact that most Purebloods knew how to ballroom dance, and it was at times like this, or in fancy parties, that it came in handy. Both Sirius and I casually waltzing around the room would look very much professional to many people who wasn't aware of our training.

It was just one of the lessons that we were forced to learn by our parents, memorable ones included Latin, French, Astronomy, Etiquette and many more. I was sure that table manners was even a widely known lesson that we were forced into as younger children. However, none of them were of great importance to me, except Astronomy, which was a lesson taught at Hogwarts.

"You dance rather well," Sirius commented as he spun me around to the sound of invisible music. I smiled, waving my wand to a record player and hearing a classical number begin to play, "As do you Mr Black. But I do recall a certain thirteen -year -old telling me he was taught how to ballroom dance." Sirius took in my act, and he joined in as he said, "Well, Miss Pattinson, I vaguely remember on the same night that a certain thirteen -year -old told me the same thing"

"You know me so well," I joked as we twirled and danced throughout the living room, and as the song came to an end, we both fell onto the couch, the black - haired boy now whining and saying how his left leg hurt. "That's your fault for pretending you were okay," I chastised, but I did already know that he was going to complain after, even before he had said so.

"I wanted to convince you that I could leave this prison and be free in the real world, and it's your fault for dancing with me," he huffed as I grinned, he was always so dramatic. I knew from then that even if the Christmas of '80 was going to be a very small, very lonely affair, it would still be one of the most memorable Christmases I would have ever been through.

The next day, December twenty fifth, was a very rushed, very loud day, with Sirius never leaving his inner child. The child who was excited to open presents and inspect people's reaction to what he had bought, and to throw snowballs or pull pranks on unsuspecting victims. It reminded me heavily of Christmas at Hogwarts in first year where it had been just us two left.

"Merry Christmas," I heard a voice in my ear as I awoke, and turned to see a grinning Sirius, lying next to me on the bed and grinning, as he flung himself on top of me. "Get off, you're too heavy," I grumbled, hearing his noises of protest and offended scoffs. "Moi? Heavy? Thea, you're lying to yourself." I laughed as he rolled off of me and fell onto the floor, sighing loudly.

I entered the living room to sit on the couch and marvelled at the room with the frost covering the window and a small pile of presents stacked near and underneath the tree. It was like a scene from a story, all troubles stopped for the days of Christmas. Sirius was the first one to grab a red coloured present and rip off the paper to see a present from Mia and Monty.

Once we had opened all of the presents, from friends, and family we had collected over the years, I was passed a parcel from Sirius and he told me to open it quickly, as it was from him. "I'm rather scared," I told him, as I watched a smirk for on his lips. Inside the paper, was a leather-bound book, frowning at him, I opened the cover to see a picture, it was a polaroid - courtesy of Lily.

The more I looked through the book, the more I smiled, there was pictures of us all as we grew up, some of us together or with other friends, at graduation with Minnie, at James and Lily's wedding, at Frank and Alice's, with Euphemia and Fleamont. There weren't just pictures, there was letters that we had sent to each other throughout the years, notes that Sirius had written to me through his time at Hogwarts, from the time he met me to him running away or asking me out.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, placing down the book gently and enveloping him into a hug, he laughed at my reaction but accepted the hug, placing his arms around me. "This makes what I've got you look unthoughtful," I complained. Instead, he jumped to stand up and said, "What did you get me? Where is it?" He was always a child when it came to presents for him. 

"Follow me," I said, and watching him grow confused, I led him outside of the apartment and outside of the building, past the entrance to the car park, where the Muggles keep their vehicles. "You got me freedom! Finally!" This caused some strange reactions from passing people, and holding onto his arm, I rolled my eyes, dragging him over to his present. 

I stopped in front of something, my hands covering his eyes, and when I took them off, his jaw dropped. "Where did you get this?" he asked excitedly. It was a motorcycle, a sleek, back one. It was the same one that he had practically begged anyone to get him, he told anyone who would listen that he wanted it. "That's not all," I said, leaning into whisper, "Arthur wanted to thank you for saving his life. It flies."

With this information, Sirius began to bounce on his heels in excitement, hurrying over to it to sit down and check it out, his eyes scanning multiple of the strange buttons that Arthur Weasley had built in. "I love you so much Thea. This is the best Christmas," and with that, he clapped his hands together in happiness, making me smile.

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