Drug Dealer Rihanna

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Two days later

"No" Rihanna said laying in between Normani legs smoking a blunt.

"And why not" Normani asked pulling at Rihanna hair.

"Cause I had Kennedy" Rihanna said loving the feeling of Normani pulling her hair.

"You could have drop her off, Rihanna you know your doctor appointment are important stop missing them" Normani said.

"Okay" Rihanna.

She sat up and let out her blunt and put it in the ash tray, she laid back down and turned on her stomach so her face was in Normani lap.

"Can I eat your pussy" Rihanna asked sniffing Normani.

"Bitch stop sniffing me that's weird" Normani said pushing Rihanna head.

"Let me eat her" Rihanna said rubbing Normani thighs.

"Do you" Normani said.

"Someone calling you phone" Normani said pushing Rihanna off of her.

Rihanna rolled over and picked up her phone.

"Bitch that's not my child stop calling me" Rihanna said.

Normani looked over at Rihanna with eyebrows raised.

"I'll kill your ass bitch, and that bald headed ass baby" Rihanna said.

Normani reached over and smack Rihanna in the mouth.

"Don't do that" Normani said clenching her jaw.

"Getting a dna test so you can know, don't ever speak on a baby like that" Normani said.

"We get a dna test and if she mine I'll be there, but if she not I don't want to ever see you or imma really blow your brains out" Rihanna said then hung up.

She got up and started to put on her clothes.

"Where your big mad ass going?" Normani asked picking up Rihanna blunt and lighting it.

"Go" Rihanna said.

"Why" Normani asked then pulled from the blunt.

"I got shit to handle, I'll back tomorrow for Kennedy" Rihanna said putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Okay I love you" Normani said.

"Love you too sexy" Rihanna said going over to take her blunt and kiss Normani.

"And stop threatening that girl" Normani said.

Rihanna smacked her teeth and left.

Normani shook her head and laid down to go back to sleep.

Y'all 😭😭😭😭

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