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"Hello Sun..."

My father is at my house. What is he doing here!? How did he even get in!? After all the abuse he has done to me. He is at my house, and acting like we have a good bond. I hate him.

"Get... The.HELL.out of my...HOUSE!"

"Now~ That's no way to speak to your father, now is it?"


"Your right Father! I'll go and get you a gift."

'Heh. A gift? Yeah right. Its a good thing My room has that illusion. You can't even see the door! His gift will be... Perfect."

"Its about time I get something for taking care of your useless ass!"

"Oh~ I'll love to give it to you!"

I walked upstairs, I pushed a button on my watch undoing the illusion. I opened the door and walked in.

"Oh my~ Just what knife to use... Maybe~ This one."

I grabbed the knife putting it behind my back and walked out my room. I walked downstairs to see my 'Father' impatiently tapping his foot, as he waited for my gift.


"Finally... Took you long enough. 'Mumble' *You useless brat.*"

I glared at him. I knew what he said loud and clear. I put on a fake smile and walked closer.

"Hope you like your gift..."

I knew everything about him. Every detail.


I pulled my knife out from behind me. I swiftly tossed the knife in his leg. I made sure to aim for the right spot, making his leg unable to properly function.


"But I thought you would like your gift?"

I walked towards him as he tried to crawl away.

"Where are you going father? I haven't even given you your full gift!"

I said as I smiled. I leaned down to my Father grabbing the knife out his leg.


He screamed in pain at the speed I took the knife.

"Oh now hush! We wouldn't want to make it any slower or faster than this needs to be! Now do we?"


"OH! Now that's no way to speak to someone! We are gonna need to clean that filthy mouth of yours!"

I got up smiling. I walked over to my desk in the corner of the living room. I picked up one of my hand knitted stuff toys, putting it on the shelf above the desk. It activated the secret door. It opened the wall like a door, showing all of my favorite items.

"W- Wha- What are y- you going to do..."

I turned to my father looking down at him.

"Someone doesn't pay attention! I already told you! We need to clean your mouth! After all... You did say such a naughty word!"

I turned back to the long hall of shelves full of different killing stuff. I walked in looking at all the shelves, I looked and looked until I stopped... I found what I was looking for.

"Oh lovely ~"

I grabbed it and looked down the hall. I walked out of the room to see my father on the floor trying to crawl away towards the back door.

"Oh my..."

I walked to him grabbing his leg and dragged him to my room. I opened the closet, and opened the door behind all of the clothes. I walked into the bright room.

The room WAS full of pure white walls. But will soon be filled with... a little gift of my own~

"Let's get started... Shall we~"

I tossed my father across the room. He hit a wall, you cpuld hear something crack, he had then slid down onto the floor. He leaned his body on the wall for support after all... He did break his back.


"Monster? Brat? Mistake? Come up with something more creative, instead of using the same words every time. Ok~?"

I lifted the bottle I had in the air keeping it up as I walked to him. I poured it onto him as he screamed in pain.


"Oh~ Nothing much~ Just... Acid~"

I roughly grabbed his face opening his mouth wide. I used the rest of the acid, and poured it down his throat. His neck melted by the acid. Blood on the floor. I loved it.

"TA TA FATHER~! I'll come by soon to light you on fire~!"

I left the room and walked out. I closed everything, all the secret keys to open these doors. I changed my clothes and left to the backdoor. I opened the door and left outside to look for my lighter. I was searching until I heard the front door knob twist. My tail twitched at the sudden sound. It was a good thing I had locked the door. And it is also a good thing I have good hearing. I got up and jumped onto the roof of my house. I saw this Moon person at my door.

'Heh~ Dose Monty ever give up? He sent someone over to kill me again. Hahaha!'

I jumped over him.

"Its not that easy to get into someone's house ya know~"

I had then knocked him out. I checked his pockets for anything I could use.


I took the knife and gun and put it in my pocket. I searched him some more to see and address.

"This might be his..."

I picked him up bradial style and jumped roof to roof until I made it to his house. I walked in, surprisingly the door was unlocked. I walked inside looking at everything.

"Wow they must like the Moon and the color Blue. I mean I do like yellow and the sun so I guess I don't have any reason to complain."

I walked in the house for some time until I had finally found his room. I set him down onto the bed and left the building. I wouldn't wanna get caught. I left to my house. I jumped on everything building roof to stay out of sight from the humans down below me. I didn't wanna get caught by them either. They would just call the cops on me for being more than 60 feet up in the air. I saw my house so I jumped down. I grabbed a street lamp pole and swung around it. I did a flip and landed on the ground.

"Perfect again!"

I walked into my house to get ready for tonights mission.
🔆Next part will be Moons pov after Sun droped him off. Hope you liked this chapter! See yall in the next one!🔆

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