∆[???•A Second Mission•???]∆

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[Moons Pov]
"Ugh! Stupid Boss. Making me do some stupid mission. Why do I even Gotta kill this 'Sun' person anyway?"

I said as I walked on the road. It was safe due to it being empty. I walked up to the address given to me to kill this 'Sun' person. I walk to the door noticing the door was locked.

"Its not that easy to get into someone's house ya know~"

I quickly turn around only for everything to turn black before I could even see who spoke.
I opened my eyes to see... I was in my room?

"What What happened? I could of swarn I was just on a mission to kill some sun named person..."

I heard my phone ring as I got up from bed.

"*click* Hello?"

"Yeah hey there my grumpy."

"I've told you not to call me that you oversized stupid Fucking lizard."

"Yeah yeah. Did you kill the Sun yet."

"Kill him yet? No. I'm still working on it."

'If I tell him someone knocked me out, and I suddenly appeared in my house. He will never shut up.'

"Alright then. Keep working, I want him dead. And tomorrow I'll have another mission for you. So get prepared. I'll call you at 6 in the morning to inform you about it."

"Alright then!"

I had already gotten annoyed with the stupid gators voice...

"Is that it."

"Yes. Now get some rest."


'What the hell does he mean rest? Its still day.'

I walked over to my clock to see the time.


I rushed over to my window and opened the curtains.

"WHA- HOW!?"

'What ever I'll just rest.'

I calmed down and walked over to my bed. I went and covered myself up with the blanket. I closed my eyes and slept.
☪Hope yall liked Moons pov! Sorry for the short chapter. I just am not having a good day. But hope you will have a good day, hope its better than mine! See yall in the next chapter!☪

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