Breathless (Ashlyn x Aiden)

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As the day turned into night Aiden stopped trying to block his thoughts about his love living an mile away from him, he couldn't take it any more. Grabbing his coat as quickly as possible to not wake up Ben.

Ashlyn was laying in bed waiting until midnight, although she had tests the next day and homework she needed to finish she couldn't do anything without his face popping up in her head. 

Ashlyn POV

*Why is he in my head all the time, I can't seem to think with thinking about those brown red eyes staring at her.*

"Ugh" she moaned while hiding under her blanket, hiding from someone who wasn't there or was he?

An flash came from her phone on her desk she flew to it *Maybe its him! wait why Am I so excited to get an text from him, is this what love feels like? NO NO NO HOW CAN I FALL FOR SOMEONE LIKE HIMM, maybe its his smile, his carefree thinking but I don't care I just know that I love him, I love Aiden Clark.*

-- Message from "cute psycho" -- 

Ashlyn heart thumped even harder.

-- Cute psycho - "Look outside your window."

*No way.*

Opening her window there he was her knight with no amour.

"Heya ashhie." 

"hey cuttie..." Ashlyn said quietly as possible.

"back to ya love" Aiden said back without thinking

Ashlyn froze in place, what I say to his face, and what did he say back to me.. does he love me too?

"Can I come in please its cold out here." Aiden said shaking. 

"Wait I have an idea to warm you up." She wrapped her hands around his face.

*what am I doing I never kissed someone before, I'm just going to..."

She pulled his lips into his, his hand moved on to her face now.

*I locked onto him for an while now, god I cant even breathe now but I don't care, he takes my breathe away.*

Aiden POV

*Holy shit, I cant believe her she kissed me, but I really need some air now, but she seems to happy to be kissing me right now. fuck I'm passing outtt.....*

Aiden fell onto her, with a lot of force too. hurting her back badly and smashing Aiden head on the desk 

She moaned out in pain "Aiden what happened to you are you ok?"

*Oh shit he's out like an light, maybe I should've paused for an bit.* she giggled as she checked on his head *thank god no bleeding.*

Ashlyn dragged his limp body off of the floor and onto the bed and comforted him with an bag of frozen peas for his head. After an few minutes Aiden popped back up again and found himself laying on Ashlyn chest. 

"I love you..." he said eyes closed.

"I love you too." she said pulling him up next to her.

"Yeah love?" he said quietly in to her ear.

"Kiss me."

"Anything and Everything for you."

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