Yashiro x (male) reader-My adorable daikon bestie!!

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Long story short,you had been in love with your best friend,Nene Yashiro and you had confessed to her so casually when you were leaving the school grounds to go home.

"Bye Nene chan!See you tomorrow!"
"You to (name san)!"
"Oh wait a second!Theres something else I almost forgot to say!"
"What is it (name san)?"
"I love you Nene!Like the way mothers and fathers do!"
"...Oh (name san).

Was it wrong to be in love with your best friend?No.It wasn't.But you weren't Nene's type,she was into princes in shining armour like that no good stupid meanie Teru Minamoto.And you were just like Kou,more like a cool younger brother.But Kou managed to confess his lovey dovey feelings with his best friend whojustsohappenedtobeaghosthehe you also knew she was planning on confessing to Hanako,who we all know has feelings hidden deep in that pervy ghost of his.

But it still hurt,you respected her decision when she had kindly declined your feelings and had even given you a bag of your favourite red jelly beans to cheer you up.

"(Name san)...I'm sorry,your an absolute sweetheart but I just don't like you in that way,your just my best friend to me.And besides that,your too special for me."

Your heart had been torn apart when she had said that,such a beautiful thing to say don't you agree?You smiled as you remembered those sweet words before the warm heart rendering hug.

"I had a feeling you'd say that,I wouldn't want to ruin anything between us anyway Nene chan!Your still my friend though right?My adorable daikon bestie?"
"Of course I am you silly bean!I'm your adorable daikon bestie forever and nothing stands between this gal and her friends!"

(This one felt sad to write!I'm more of a fluff kinda chick.)

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