Hanako x Yashiro-after the rain

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To make up for the sad stuff~

The rain pattered the glass like a thousand tiny drums,Yashiro was getting distracted but Hanako didn't seem to mind.He was transfixed on the rain to.

Yashiro stood next to him,no words spoken between the two of them.None needed to be spoken.Hanako turned at smiled at Yashiro,
"C'mon,back to cleaning my dear daikon!I my self am getting distracted!"

Yashiro groaned and picked up the mop sulkily,something caught her eye though,something pink outside,something suffering.She dropped her mop with a clatter and ran out of the room.Hanako panicked and immediately followed her out to the cold wet rain.
Hanako did that one dubbed scream(the one where Yashiro swallowed the mermaid scale!) and tried to stay undercover as the rain pattered.

Yashiro ran out to scope the helpless Mokke she had seen.She found it!Running out,she slipped and fell to the ground in anguish.Groggily picking herself up with her now scraped body,she ran to the Mokke,picking her up,the thunder clashed and she stood still as it continued to flash and bang.

Yashiro now wet and soaked as fuck,stood stock still to stay out of harms way which was probably worse.Hanako finally ran out(the little p*ssy)and ran to Yashiro,he feared he wouldn't make it as the lighting just got frighteningly close to her hair.
He shouted,he ran to her and hugged her tight,using Hakujodai as a barrier just as the rain and lightening burst around them like a fire cracker.
"Yashiro,I'm so sorry."
Hanako said shakily as he wrapped a towel around her shivering figure.Yashiro wasn't mad at him,but she was.A hot mug was pressed into her hands and she sighed in content.The warmth seeped through her body like one of Hanako's hugs.

She stood up and placed the mug on the stool she was sitting on,padding over to Hanako,she pulled him in for a hug,which he wordlessly accepted immediately.She heard him sighing in relief as his arms wrapped around her waist,holding her close to him with his chin resting on her head.Her crinkled uniform looked torn apart as the towel dropped to the floor.

They stood there until Yashiro looked up at him.They seemed to stare at each other forever until Yashiro wordlessly pulled Hanako in and the gap between the two vanished.We're sorry but the person your looking for is currently not available at the moment.Please try again later.

Hanako didn't react,his eyes stayed open but calm.He just slid a shivering hand on her cheek and kept the other arm around her waist to keep her balanced.About a minute later,the god of thunder(Curse you Thor)struck and the two jumped apart.They laughed at their own jumpiness and finished cleaning the bathroom together.

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