A Bad Time

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April 19, Central Calendar Year 1639
6th wyvern squadron

Marl Patima looked at the countryside. It was a nice warm day, warmer than usual. As Marl feels the warmth he suddenly feels an impending sense of dread. After a few seconds he realises why. What appears to be another sun starts rising to the east, Marl now feeling impending doom faints from shock. A large boom and thermal pulse occurs as a massive shockwave travels across the land flattening buildings and burning all that is flammable. The gods just dropped the sun on the planet... Literally.

The entire rodenius continent is flattened and turned into a burning wasteland of rubble and dust. Nothing could survive that.

Parpaldian Empire, Esthirant

Emperor Ludius was doing his... Things. You know. Emperor things. This simple act of enjoyment was quickly stopped when the building he was in was utterly pulverised by a literal giant explosion. Everyone died.Holy Milishial Empire, RunepolisOne moment the citizens were existing the next they were extra crispy. As the blast from the summoning of the literal sun hit the city everything was destroyed. The blast was so big it triggered earthquakes and caused a volcano to erupt in the centre of the city. How this happened is still unknown to this day.

Holy Milishial Empire, Runepolis

One moment the citizens were existing, the next they were extra crispy. As the blast from the summoning of the literal sun hit the city everything was destroyed. The blast was so big it triggered earthquakes and caused a volcano to erupt in the centre of the city. How this happened is still unknown to this day.

Mu, Otaheit

The Muan scientists were shocked by the explosion that had travelled around the planet. At first they thought that the Ravernals had reappeared. That was quickly debunked. Even core magic was unable to cause this much destruction. The only other possible conclusion that appeared was that the HME was testing their new weapon. This thought scared the Muans. The HME would never do that. Why would they have deployed it. What is the theorised weapon I hear you ask? Ur Mother.

Summoning the literal sunWhere stories live. Discover now