Chapter 2 - this is berk // encounter with a extinct human breed

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Skip berks intro to just about when the night fury arrives at berk and attacks

Jackson's POV: (15 years later)

I was ordered to sail on my person ship to the northern southern isle and investigate a Queen red death, drago wants more brute strength to invade more lands and to end all dragons or something, I never really knew what he was planning and i never doubted him. He was very agressive with all so us, but I was his most prized tool.

I had arrived at night, And I stopped my ship at the foggy hellheim gates. And flew in,
Using my human form with my wings, I dodged and rolled avoiding each rock that was hidden as I flew fast, just about night speeds but I wasn't at that age to get faster.

All of a sudden a ton of dragons flew towards me, I dodged just in time, and hide on one of the large rocks that rest just above the heavy thick fog!

Jackson: (thinking)
"What the?!, we're are they going?! I think I should follow those dragons and then later I could investigate the the death after, sounds like a plan!" I thought and shifted into my dragon form, I was at least less then 6ft in my dragon form, considering I was still a young warrior for drago.

I flapped my claw wings and was very fast, I caught up to the large pack of dragons.

I was at the back and I could see a black agile dragon was just a few meters in from of me, I couldn't see it well as it started to get to the front of the pack.

I saw an island up ahead! Not just any random island! Berk!

The place drago hates so much!

I can make him proud by destroy the place, maybe I'll become a captain of my own fleet, but I prefer to go solo, always have.

I noticed the black dragon zipped up to the higher clouds while the rest starts to raid and take what ever they can get all livestock!

I circled around the village and blew a few house on fire and lit a few long trails of drake fire, my attacks caught a lot of berkians attention as they were trying to kill me.

After awhile I could hear a familiar whistle, a night fury?! Was that the black dragon from earlier?!

I saw as it blasted a catapult tower and flew off quickly as it shot at it.

I was flying and laying waste below with my acid fire and then I was wrapped tightly with a large bola! I started to crash land towards a large forest and everything went black as I landed!


I was awoken by a scrawny voice and something putting its foot on my side I groaned in slight pain from the crash and snapped open my eyes to see a small boy that looked like a young teenager! He looked at me directly in the eye and raised sharp knife over his head, that was aimed for my heart. I doubt he could kill me with that weak weapon, it wouldnt even do anything to my dragon scale and hide!

I just stared at him growling! He then started to cut my bind after he failed to kill me!

I immediately started to fell the tight ropes that I could have easily ripped through get loose! I immediately jumped onto him and growled baring my teeth at his face as he fearfully moved his head away!

I then started to speak in English in my dragon form to him,

Jackson: (dragon form) (human language)
"Why have you shot me down, you worthless lumber of human shit and flesh!!" I roared at his face!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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