Chapter 2

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Izumo and Kotetsu were sitting in their booth, watching over the gate of Konoha, per usual Kotetsu complain about their post, Izumo was going to reprimand his friend before something in the corner of his eye caught his attention, he turned his face and noticed the tall white haired man. 

"Look alive Kotetsu, Lord Jiraiya is coming." 

Izumo quickly said, his friend quickly stood straight. The two staring at the approaching Sanin then they saw who was with them, for a second they thought it was a miniature version of lord Fourth but upon noticing the whiskers they quickly recognised Naruto. The boy had grown up a lot, he looked to be about twelve now, his hair had grown a lot, he wasn't the sack of bones they saw when he left, he had this aura about him that reminded of Minato. He did stand out a bit, wearing a mesh shirt under an open orange hoodie and plane black pants.  

"Morning Kotetsu, Izumo." Jyraiya greeted them, the boy only waving at the two jonin.

"Welcome back from your trip lord Jiraiya." Izumo bowed to the Sanin. 

"Hopefully you didn't encounter too much trouble on the way back home." Kotetsu added

"Oh, a couple bandits here and there, the brat was enough to deal with them." Jiraiya motioned to Naruto while he filed the paperwork. 

"Well maybe if you helped me instead of writing your smut or didn't stop at every hot spring to be a perv we could've been here earlier" the young boy shot back

"Boy, I'll have you know that my research is of the utmost importance!" the Sanin exclaimed, turning to his apprentice. 

"You are a hopeless pervert, y'know!" the boy shot back before smacking his hand over his mouth as he let his verbal tick out. 

Jiraiya laughed at his student, the latter mumbling profanities under his breath as he walked off, the toad sage following behind, leaving the two jonin rather shocked at the way Naruto addressed the Sanin. 

As they walked towards the Hokage tower Naruto would look around the village, see what had changed during his absence, the villagers looked pretty happy, well until they laid eyes on him, glares started to be pointed his way but now he wasn't the scared weak little boy he used to be, he didn't hesitate to glare back at them, daring them to even try. Although he tried to, Naruto wasn't allowed to just wait outside, being dragged by his hood kicking and screaming all the way to the top. 

Hiruzen earned the commotion and turned around, watching his student open the window and step in, holding an agitated blonde. "Ah, Jiraiya. It's good to have you have back." He had to hold his breath when his eyed laid on the blonde, Naruto was a perfect copy of Minato, aside from the whiskers he looked exactly like his father "Naruto..." he said after regaining his composure. 

The blonde looked at him with cold eyes, there was an absence of emotion in him, he didn't seem angry or happy to see him, just...indifferent. Jiraiya would hit the back of his student's head.

"In the presence of the Hokage you should show respect brat!"

"One of these days you'll give me a concussion!" the boy shouted, holding the back of his head.

"If it is what it takes to make you learn to show respect then it's fine by me!"

"You can't force me to respect people that have done nothing to earn it, y'know!" Naruto immediately smacked his hand on his mouth, Jiraiya laughing as his triggered his student's tick again "Damn it!" 

Hiruzen couldn't help the smile on his face, Naruto had inherited his father's appearance but his mother's temper and her peculiar verbal tick. 

"I'm happy to see that you're both getting along." Hiruzen spoke up "I assume the training went along rather well."

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