Chapter 10

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Naruto was staring at his ceiling, the sun was starting to rise, he cursed his fox tenant, the images had prevented him from getting more than a couple minutes of sleep. He was tired, debating if going to the academy would be worth it, well he could just sleep in with Shikamaru, not like he'll miss a whole lot really. He forced himself out of bed, making a clone to prepare breakfast as he went to get ready, he finished his breakfast, Menma slithered up his arm before he jumped away from his window in the direction of the orphanage. Landing at the front door, smiling as he saw Megu running out towards him, jumping into his open arms.

"Good morning Niisan." said the young girl with a wide grin "Good morning Menma-chan"

He gladly returned her grin with one of his own while Menma forked her tongue "Morning Megu, ready for the academy?"

She nodded, Naruto looked up when he sensed someone at the door a smile on his face as he got up, Magu secured in his arms

"Good morning mom."

Mai gave him a warm smile "Good morning Naruto." her eyes narrowed slightly "Have you slept enough? There are bags under your eyes."

He gave her an apologetic smile, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand "Yeah I had...complications."

She frowned, putting her hands on her hips, her narrowed eyes turning to a glare "Naruto Uzumaki." this got him to straightened up, a shiver running up his spine "You better not be neglecting your health."

"N-no mom, I have a two week vacations, I plan to lighten up my training."

She nodded slowly "Good, good." Her posture relaxing "So then what kept you up then?" A glint appeared in her eye, clapping her hands with a joyful expression "Is it a girl?"

Naruto flinched, his cheeks burning "Well, I guess more or less, in a way you could say it is related to a girl."

Her smile got wider a hand resting on her cheek "Aw, my little Naruto-kun has a crush."

"Really? I'm getting a big sister?" Megu asked with stars  in her eyes 

"Huh, wai- what, no it's not like that!" Naruto stammered his face red 

"It's ok Naruto, it's normal at your age." Mai smiled warmly "Just make sure to bring her over sometime. Now shoo, you'll be late to the academy." her smile was still on her face as she waved them off 

The blonde said nothing more before he jumped away, trying his best to not dodge his little sister's questions. Sliding the window to her classroom open and letting her jump off his hold, he turned around and snickered when he saw Hanabi with neon green hair, a deep scowl on her face. 

"You know kid you'll give her bad manners, the door is here for a reason." said the chunnin 

Naruto simply shrugged "I don't like to take the stairs. Now Megu-chan, you behave and tomorrow we'll start on your training since I have some free time now." 

"Really? You're gonna teach me some cool ninjutsu?" she said stars in her eyes 

"Now now, we'll see about ninjutsu another time, first you need to know the basics." he grinned "Alright I'll be off now." he said before jumping up

Iruka was just starting the class, sighing as he heard the window slide open, this could only be one person, turning around to see the blonde boy walking past him and up to his seat, shaking his head with a smile before turning back to write on the board. 

"Morning Shino." the blonde said with a stifled yawn before sitting at his desk

"Good morning Naruto. I see you are tired." came the voice of the Aburame, although his face was fixed forward 

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