Chapter 7

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Anko had met Kurenai on her usual route to wake up Naruto, the two kunoichi talking amongst each other about the previous night's dinner, reaching the front door and turning the key. When they entered they were surprised to see the blonde sitting at the table, passed out, Menma coiled atop his head as he lightly snored. The table covered with papers, opened scrolls and books, multiple crumpled balls of papers, scribbled seals and partially completed theories. His notebook next to him, brush still in hand, a now cold cup of tea resting at the edge of his table.

Anko sighed "I told him to go easy on his sealing studies, he always gets way too into it."

"Honestly I find it pretty commendable for someone so young to be so passionate about such a complicated practice." Kurenai poked the boy's cheek, no response "He's out cold." She smiled at the snake, lightly petting her head

"Strange, he's a pretty light sleeper."

Something caught Anko's eyes, looking at the notebook she froze, taking it in her hands, flipping through the pages, then looking at the scrolls and books, her eyes growing wider and wider as her heart skipped a few beats.

Kurenai noticing her friend's actions, tilting her head "Something wrong?"

Anko said nothing, simply showing the notebook to Kurenai, the genjutsu mistress cocked an eyebrow, taking the notebook and reading the contents, eyes growing wider as she did. The blonde had been studying the curse seal, ways to contain it, how to remove it, noting various tests he would have to run before further work.

"He's been at it from the second we left." They heard the distinct voice of Kakashi, seeing him sitting on the couch "He had clones read up on all the research Jiraiya-sama left him on the curse seal, he fell asleep about thirty minutes ago."

"Lucky him it's his day off, although I wonder if he'll go to the academy." Anko said quietly, looking at the sleeping form, a certain softness in her eyes.

"Anko, you know how energetic he can be." The lazy ninja eye smiled

They watched as he shuffled in his sleep, Menma coming to fork her tongue at his ear to which the kyubi jinchuriki lightly waved her head away

"Not now Anko, just five more minutes" he said in a sleepy voice

The room was silent, Anko feeling a light heat on her cheeks, seeing Kurenai flash her an amused smile while Kakashi gave the perverted giggle he usually reserved for his reading, Anko shooting them a glare, her message was simple 'You say anything, I kill you'.

"Naruto, didn't mother Mai ask you to do something?" Kakashi said calmly, looking at the sleeping blonde.

The jonin would watch as Naruto's eyes shot open at the mention of his mother, jumping to his feet knocking down the chair, a paper stuck to the side of his face he quickly twisted his face to the clock hung on the wall, his hands coming to his head.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late you know!" he shouted as he dashed off to his bathroom, to the lazy ninja's amusement.

A clone ran up to the kitchen, taking a quick inventory of who was there, Anko and Kurenai took their seats as the clone rushed through preparing their breakfast, using some low powered fire jutsus to cook the food faster. The jonins were each offered a plate before the clone opened the window and dispelled just as the door to the bathroom opened, they watched Naruto rush in, hair still wet and toothbrush in his mouth, quickly digging in his breakfast, Menma slithering up his arm to take her usual spot.

"You alright there whiskers? Who lit a fire under your ass?"

"Well he will be running late for the academy." Kurenai looked at the rushing blonde "Careful, you might choke."

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