Ch #2: Evil Witch For A Queen

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Seokjin's POV:

Eunjun woke up around 09:03, or whatever read on my digital clock from amazon. I was in my room, searching for jobs in the area that would take her application ASAP. She left an hour later after humming some awful song that now rings in my head. My phone buzzed, a blue screen with a reminder that I have to sleep until 16:15 for work. My work clothes from last night were still covered in dust, alcohol spills and hand wipes. I had already loaded them in the wash after Eun drifted off to dreamland again.

That was her favourite place. She would always have the weirdest dreams as a youngster, drawing things for our mom to pin on the fridge with alphabet or numeracy magnets in all neon colours. Still to this day, he dreams vary in the marvellous yet fucking weird visions of familiar places with different visuals or names.

I looked back on my screen, two circles at either side. One with a cross, one with a tick. I spotted this tick up towards my camera and placed it on the wireless charger for many devices on my bed-side table (yet again from amazon).

I slowly closed down my laptop, the shut down taking its time while the scheduled update to install at 02:00 wasn't so bad either. I placed my laptop on my desk, right at the very back in the right place, me then heading to the bathroom. I waved my hand down the side of our Bluetooth mirror, it beeped a tune once as the bright light turned on too, repeating a different tune as it hooked up to my phone.

I rolled my eyes, this always happens and it isn't the only thing that ticks me off. I pulled a hand towel and pulled it over my neck, while facing myself in the mirror, I adjusted the length at each side of my neck to match.

After I spat out the mint paste, I wiped my mouth with the towel length on the right of me. I pushed in the plug, turning on the hot tap to wash my face. As the water ran in the sink, I checked the cupboards to find a cleaner and face scrub. I spotted a Japanese brand in a white tube and placed that on the edge of the sink. Once I dabbed my clean face, I put the tubes back, pulling out a serum which I recently bought.

It was a Korean brand, AHC Aqualuronic hydrating serum, 30ml. I popped off the lid, squeezing a bit on each cheek. I then used my middle and wedding fingers on each hand to massage it into my pours in a circular motion. "Very glossy, my friend." I flirted with myself in the mirror, replying back with, "You too, sir." I laughed to myself before dramatically stopping myself to put the serum back into the cupboards.

"Now, where was I?" I said to myself before chuckling out of character as I walked into the kitchen. I ran the tap, resting how cold the water was before filling a short, thin glass halfway. I opened the top draw of cutlery and found my Clopidogrel pills. I drew two from the packet and carried them towards the sink.

Leaving one on my tongue, I stuck my tongue out slowly, my teeth still on my tongue to push back the tablet. I typed my head back at a took a mouthful of water, swishing it around my mouth like I was at a dentist. I typed my head back for the last time before gulping, shaking my head like a dog after one dose. After repeating my single dose, I poured the rest of the water in the glass down the drain, swiftly moving back towards my room.

All I could hear were birds from outside, they were pecking my head. I slammed the windows shut, finally some peace and quiet. I yawned and stretched my hands above my head before flopping on my bed. My finger interlocked with each other across my waist while I fell asleep on my comfy bedding.

Eunjun's POV:

A normal spring day was laid right in front of me, blossoms blooming in the park closest to our apartment. I had already jogged three kilometers, after a two minute rest a while back. I was exhausted. The cold air in my lungs on a Saturday morning felt awful - so bad that I wanted to turn myself inside out and itch those bad boys.

All different trees around me were like instruments changing nature's psithurism as I took another walk break. The gushing brushed last my ears rudely, the frost settling in on me. The canal at the side of me, sweeping waves that drifted each duckling further and further away from its mom. They each were trying to communicate to its siblings, making sure that they were close together.

As I carried on jogging, some blossoms were already at my feet. Their lives had barely begun and they were blown from their home, their hopes and dreams to be squashed on the pavements every year. I suddenly compared myself to the blossoms, seeing my downfall from life wasn't pleasuring at all. I frowned greatly, trying to focus on something else.

"Eunjun, sweetheart. Is that you?" I reduced my pace until I barely walked. I reached for my earbuds, taking it out and letting go, still dangling around the rear of my neck. A woman called me over, her wrinkly hands with large freckles from skin damage from the sun which looked like gloves. She wore a bright smile, her hair in tight curls which began to grow in grey streaks, white highlights too.

"Miss Bong?"
"It is you!" She stood on her kitten heels, kissing me on each cheek, which took me by surprise. "You see, I'm actually Mrs Song now. I wed twelve years ago."
"Congratulations," I bowed to her.
"Oh please, you're making me feel like it was my wedding day yesterday." I giggled a little,
"Why, does it feel feel like fifty years ago?"

Oh crap. Did I just- oh god, I did.

Her eyes widened as her head crooked to the side slightly. "That didn't mean to-"
"I guessed," she replied sharply, siren eyes now staring up at me. I bit my bottom lip nervously, my shoulders rising as I started to rapidly cool down. "How very rude of me-" a burst of laughter erupted from her, "Aish, I'm only messing with you! It feels like a hundred years living with him." Relief flew over me as she playfully hit my arm, the whole walkway turning towards us.

"I thought you would never change from a lonely child but you've showed me a witty side I never thought I'd live to see." I smiled, my eyes squinting slightly. What a compliment. Jin will scold me for this big time. "Now I'll never have to worry about you, like I always did," her voice trailed off as she reached out for my hands. "May I?" Before I could finished a single breath, she clutched her hands on mine, sitting me beside her on a bench.

"What are you-" she shushed me.
"You're still a curious one, aren't you?" I gulped, her eyes going siren again. "I'm only teasing you. Now, I'm no fortune teller, but I can tell that success will grant you soon." I was so confused. Since she called me over, I've been tangled in my own thoughts about whether this woman is crazy or I am.

No one will ever know. They shouldn't even have to think, I mean, look at her. Ugh, I'm just being mean now. She was awful to me as a child but repaying her isn't going to work out for the both of us.

She waved my hands, still in hers, around to make me look like a lunatic. "Work hard in your job. Find a nice, rich man to give you a family, yes?" Ahh, celebration at it finest.
"Yes, uh, yeah. Absolutely. I'll let you know whenever success will find me."
"'Grant' you, darling,"
"Right, yes. Grant me."

I gave her my last bow, right before she grabbed both my arms and squeezed them from their natural position into my rib cage. "Find me after you have, I'm always right here…" She didn't half stare into my soul, what a witch. "I will, I will." I nodded at her, patient for her to let go of me, Jesus! Once she did, she made the laziest attempt of a bow, her head curtseying like she was a queen or something.

Queen? More like a witch. Evil bitch is what I would commonly say. I gave her a fake smile as I rolled my eyes, my head not facing her as I bowed. I could tell that she was angry, knowing darn well I would never see her face again. I gave her a fake wave before jogging off again, hiding play on my 'Run Playlist' for the final time.

Hi guys, I know I haven't updated this story in a while. My laptop is deleting all of my stuff and all my notes have been copied into my phone to make ideas for this. I still have hope for all my stories, I wish you guys well too. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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