The dark mark

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Scarlett lupin sat in the burrow and smiled as she looked to see molly as she walked over to her and hugged her "Scarlett dear how are you" she asked as Scarlett looked up at her and smiled

She looked to Remus as he stood in the doorway. Scarlett could see how tired he was "I could look after you dad. I can see how tired you are" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm the parent Scarlett besides you go back to Hogwarts in a few days and I want you to enjoy yourself so go to the World Cup and have fun" he said as he kissed the top of her head as she smiled

She hugged her father hood bye as molly handed her a cup of tea and smiled. Molly had been there for Remus and also partly raised Scarlett as well as her own kids especially with Remus and his full moon cycles

"The others will be up soon and you can head to the World Cup" molly said as Scarlett nodded

Scarlett got to the World Cup. She smiled as she saw Draco and smiled as he walked over to her and hugged her "you know that you can always join me and father were in the ministry box. He invited us personally" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"Don't brag Draco. Besides my server said I had to stay with the weasleys you know how he feels over our friendship" Scarlett said as Draco looked to her and smiled

"Well you know. The offer is there" he said as Scarlett walked back over to where the weasleys were. She looked to see Ron who was glaring and rolled her eyes at him

"Why are you even friends with him. You know what he is like" Ron said as Scarlett looked to him and frowned

"What's it to do with you. Draco and I have always been friends Ronald" Scarlett said as she went to walk off with the others ignoring the glared Ron was giving her

Scarlett groaned as she walked out of the tent. It was after the quidditch match and it had all kicked off. Scarlett frowned as she looked to see the dark mark in the sky and frowned as she was knocked to the ground

She groaned as she felt people trampled on her as she was grabbed and pulled up into someone's arms as she looked up to see Draco and smiled as she looked to him

"Are you okay" he asked as she looked to him

"I am now what the hell is going on here" she asked as he looked to her and sighed

"I have no idea" he said. She looked to him and nodded as if she was trying to read him

Draco lead her through the crowds off people as he held her close.

Scarlett knew how he was basically her best friend but she knew he came from a family of death eaters and she knew that there was something on his mind

But Scarlett had no idea how everything was going to change when it came to her friendship with Draco malfoy and how nothing would be the same again

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