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Scarlett didn't know what to think. Her mum was back and she was confused over it all and it scared her. She knew that her mum had been gone for all of those years and she didn't know what to think

Scarlett knew what her dad had told her and how her mum had left because she couldn't cope. Scarlett always expected her to come back and it was only a few years ago that she had given up hope of seeing her mum again. Scarlett never thought that she'd see her again and she felt more confused than anything

Scarlett sat up in bed and sighed. She ran her hands through her hair. She knew how she had to see her dad. She was overthinking everything and worried and she knew how her dad always knew what to say to her

He always knew how to calm her down. Scarlett sat up and got dressed as she went to go and see her father "it's like seven in the morning where are you going" Pansy asked as she lifted her head from under the pillow

"I am going to see my father I need answers and I need them from him" she said as Pansy groaned

"Not it's six thirty will he be up. You know where not meant to leave the common room until half seven" Pansy said

"Yeah well I was never one to follow rules was I?" She asked as she slipped on her trainers. She grabbed her wand and ticket it in her cloak as she walked off

She walked into the common room as she saw Draco. He may asleep on the couch. She draped a blanket over him and smiled. She knew he always seemed to be asleep out there as he had trouble sleeping and always fell asleep in the early hours of the morning

She ran her hand through his hair. It was messy and sweaty from sleep. She looked down at him and smiled

"Your okay Draco" she whispered before she walked off. Draco opened his eyes and looked after her. He was worried over her and the feeling of her hands in his hair. He liked it

Scarlett got to Remus chambers as she knocked in the door. He answered the door with his morning coffee and looked to his daughter

"Scarlett what's going on?" He asked

"I need to talk to you can I come in" she asked

"Of course come on" Remus said as he pulled his daughter inside and looked to her. He could see that there was something effecting her especially when she was up this early

"What's going on Scarlett"

"My mother is here. Have you seen her" she asked as he looked to her

"I have. I'm sorry I know it can be a shock. You seeing her and all" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"Why is she here. It's been years. I don't get it" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"She wants another chance. I know that she's never been there but she's your mum and I do think that you should think over talking to her. When she left she was in a dark place and she left to try and get better and it got hard. She is back and she's back for us" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes

"I dunno dad it's a lot" she said as Remus walked over to her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know it's hard darling but just think over it okay" Remus said as Scarlett looked to him and nodded

Scarlett walked into the common room. She saw Draco as he sat in the couch "I swear that you were there when I left" she said as she sat next to him

He looked to her and smiled as she rested her head in his shoulder "are you okay?" He asked. He knew that Scarlett was going through some stuff

"I have been better. I just don't know how to feel" she said as he pulled her close

"What's going on with you" he asked as she looked to hun with tears in her eyes

"My mum is back. My dad wants me to talk to her to get to know her and give her a chance and I just don't know I mean I don't know how to do it. It ducked growing up without a mum and I hate it" she said as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I know that your scared but I'm here for you Scarlett no matter what" he said as he brushed her hair out of her face and smiled

He knew that he cared for Scarlett and how he wanted to be there for her. He tucked her hair out of her face and smiled as he wiped the tears from her face

"I know it's hard but I promise you. You are not alone" he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes

He pulled her into his arms as she rested her head into his chest. She knew how she felt as if it was all too much and she hated it

Scarlett walked out of the great hall. She frowned as she saw Anna and looked to her. She didn't know how she felt seeing her there. She felt sick. Scarlett looked to her for a moment

"I talked to your dad. I know that your unsure over all of this. Over me being here but please here me out and let me say what I have to. I know you don't owe me anything but I am your mum and I'd like to have the chance to explain things" Anna said

Scarlett looked to her for a moment and nodded. She knew how her head was a mess. But she knew that she did need answers. But could she give her mum a chance?

Falling for the serpent •D. MALFOY•Where stories live. Discover now