Part 14

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Info - naked in public, soul mates, mentions of cheating, describing anatomy defying sex, love making, unprotected sex, cock warming, coming immediately

"You're naked," I giggled.

"I'm human," he said back.

"What happens now?" I asked.

"You love me forever pretty please," he said, pulling me to him.

"That's a given soul mate," I chuckled as he adoringly kissed down my neck.

"I mean like do we just live a normal life," I asked.

"Probably after we get arrested for public indecency."

"You're funny," I said. "You're really okay to just, be normal, with me, after all you've seen and all you've done and all you know?"

He pulled back and held my face. Tears glittered in his eyes.

"Being normal with you for as much time as we have sounds like the greatest, most beautiful thing anyone could offer me," he said earnestly. I kissed him and his lips were much softer now, and his body wasn't nearly as hot.

"Then let's go home Timmy," I smiled.

I didn't quite know how we weren't caught. We got a strange look or two, but made it to my flat.

"This is awesome, a human apartment," he said, looking around in awe. "I haven't seen one of these in forever."

"Timothée how many targets have you had?" I asked curiously.

"Too many to count, but only one matters," he said, picking me up and spinning me around. Then we were dancing. He was leading me in what I was sure was some ancient French dance and I kept stepping on his toes but he didn't care.

"You know, you're so beautiful," I sighed as I pushed a curl behind his ear. "Would you like to make love to me in our apartment?" I asked and he shuddered.

"What?" I asked him.

"I haven't been apart of an "our" in so long," he said weakly.

"Oh angel," I said and kissed his lips.

"Please always call me that. I'm so, so, so done with being a demon, I want to be your angel," he said as I led him to the room I used to share with Harry. How blind I'd been. I hadn't know how much fuller, deeper, more beautiful love could be.

"I hope you're at least a little bit fallen because I want to be fucked good," I chuckled.

"As always, I'll give you the best I have," he smiled.

"Hey, Timmy," I said.

"Yeah?" He asked, distracted by looking at my body.

"What would the last task have been?"

"Oh that," he crinkled his nose. "I would've grown up to the size of the Lord Demon and fucked you."

"How in God's name would I not have broken into pieces?" I said in astonishment.

"You'd have been enchanted too, so you wouldn't die, but ripping, passing out, etc, was possible. Then even if you were like cum bloated you would've had to find a way to make cum by using your body on me, but I couldn't be inside you."

I shook my head, trying to forget the image.

"And on that note," he said and picked me up and tumbled onto the bed with me. We were both laughing as I lowered myself onto him.

"Oh fuck," I cursed and I was coming. This had never happened, but the mixture of love and lust was too much and I came apart, squeezing his cock.

"Did you just come?" He asked, sitting up on his elbows and looking dazzled.

"Y-yes, sorry," I said sheepishly.

"Don't be, that was amazing," he smiled and cupped my face, kissing me. I began to ride him as we kissed. He deepened the kiss and we were moaning into one another's mouths.

"You feel like heaven, better than anything," he panted, and began to feel my breasts that were heavy with need.

"So do you," I said honestly.

"I know I can't live up to thirteen inches-"

"This is better," I said quickly.

"It is?" He asked.

"Yeah, I feel more satisfied and full but not bursting. It feels just perfect, I love it, and I love you," I said, placing my hands on his chest to feel his beating heart.

"Thank you," he said tearily. "You don't know how much that means to me."

"Timothée, you're so special and lovely and kind. I'm honored to be your soul mate."

He was fully crying now.

"My forever," he sighed as he looked into my eyes. "My future has never looked so lovely."

"Same for me," I smiled. Soon I was nearing completion again.

"It's all right if I cum inside you right?" He panted. "You can get pregnant here."

"And if I do, they'll have parents who were made for one another," I said and nuzzled my nose with his. I genuinely didn't care if he knocked me up today. I wanted everything with him.

"Oh fuck, I love you, wanna kiss you when I cum," he pulled me into an intense kiss. I groaned into it and I felt my release coat him as I rolled on his cock. It was better than any orgasm he'd given me so far, wet and star flecked and a dizzying amount of pleasure. Timothée was right around the corner and he arched upwards and let loose inside me. He was moaning and whimpering.

"Did that feel as good for you as it did for me," I panted.

"So good, so damn good, I-I don't want to pull out," he said, almost as if he were surprised with himself. I guessed sometimes that would be exactly what he wanted to do, especially if he wasn't attracted to his target.

"Don't, don't pull out angel," I begged.

"Wow, it's been so long since I haven't immediately been able to go for round two."

"You're worth the wait," I assured him.

Timothée and I changed most things about the apartment, scrubbed it of the Harry and replaced it with Timothée. I did feel guilty about Harry, but I was still the happiest I'd ever been. Timothée got a job as an actor to my surprise and rose in fame easily. He still sang to his kids every night but to our happiness, soon he was singing to our kids as well. I couldn't believe I thanked my lucky stars that I'd cheated on my boyfriend in a club bathroom with an Incubus.

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