Reality is sad

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(Ok so this is kinda like a vent for people who can't express themselves and they use one emotion to like work there way thru it I honestly don't know but it's whatever oh and also I saw we have more reads thank you guys so much lol this is fun I love Wattpad lol)

Giyuus POV
Ok so when I woke up sabito was next to me I woke up later then I do with my schedule being an insomniac and all but I was genuinely confused as to why sabito was still in bed I woke him up right when a notification on his phone went off I looked at him as he woke up slowly and checked the time and he instantly sprang up "what's wrong sabito?" He didn't answer me he just started getting dressed and then he left I followed him to see what was wrong with him and then I said "sabito where are you going" he yelled at me "SHUT UP ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS"
No one's POV
Silence filled the room the couple stared one stared at the wall the other stared at his lover he was confused he had no words to say to the other "I'm going to work" said sabito as he continues to get ready as if he didn't just yell at his lover "oh ok.......bye" said Giyuu back to sabito it sounded like he was about to start crying this hurt sabito but he had to go to work which would he choose "work or    me" someone spoke that broke sabito's train of thought "what" asked a confused sabito A sigh could be heard behind him he turned around to see tears streaming down Giyuus face as Giyuu looked up at him "me or your work" he said louder and this time instead of sounding sad he sounded upset pissed off mad this confused sabito Giyuu looked sad but sounded angry what was happening to him? Was what he was currently thinking about  "Giyuu I can't do this with you right now I have to go to work we can talk about this outburst your having later ok" said sabito and then he grabbed the rest of his stuff for work and grabbed his keys and left...silence filled the room once again
Giyuus POV
I can't believe it for the first time while I was with sabito I was heart broken he made me feel so miserable for the first time while I was with him if it were anyone else I wouldn't care but this was the love of my life I can't believe this just happened and now I feel like he will leave me..I can't believe this what heart break feels like when you are with the love of your life if so this hearts a lot
No one's POV
While Giyuu was still at home in the living room still in a state of shock and Peer confusion sabito was on his way to work still thinking about the situation but he soon got over it and stop thinking about it when he got into the building and then straight to the meeting room you see he was stressed and in a hurry to leave today and was stressed for the entire few days and this morning because he had a meeting with the boss and a few higher ups if he got the deal that they were getting offered then the company's business would sky rock by a milestone
(Time skip from and hour now brought to by the car wreck cowboys 🐄 🚗 💨🤠)
Sabito got home extremely fast and he was excited because since Giyuu and sabito work at the same place but Giyuu took off sabito was happy to say he did most of the work and he was successful but they was something off when he went to text Giyuu he saw a message from Giyuu that said "don't expect the door not to be locked when you get home oh and I did the laundry".......................Panic rose in sabito's body this was bad this means that Giyuu had planned this you see they had gotten into a fight like this earlier yesterday he was upset so he did all the laundry sabito couldn't find his keys after that and the door was locked and it was could but he remembered that there maybe a key under the door mat he looked...........yes Giyuu forgot it was there he opened the door and found Giyuu laying on the couch watching his phone with his back turned to sabito and to anything behind him sabito walked behind him and said "what the hell giyuu!? Why did you almost lock me out what's your problem babe!?" This shook Giyuu but he turned around calmingly and said with a deathly calm smile face and attitude saying calmly "this is reality for couples isn't?" He asked almost sounding like it was a statement more then a question silence.....that deadly silence appeared in the room the silence which Giyuu so agree he hated silence after he knows he won't get the answered he wanted "I'm sorry" sabito said which broke the silence "I wish I could say that to" Giyuu said back "sorry for what" sabito asked Linda confused "I wish I could say sorry for putting a snake in the bed in a cage on your side and it's wrapped in a gift box"
"Giyuu what the fuck why would you do that" exclaimed sabito kinda scared that Giyuu would do all of that over a petty argument sabito was scared to look at the snake at first but when he saw it his heart melted
This is what it looked like y'all

that deadly silence appeared in the room the silence which Giyuu so agree he hated silence after he knows he won't get the answered he wanted "I'm sorry" sabito said which broke the silence "I wish I could say that to" Giyuu said back "sorry for w...

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It was so cute sabito couldn't help but pick it up and hold it the snake didn't even bite sabito then he learned from Giyuu that the snakes name was blueberry and that he would be keeping him but just for this one night they let blueberry have the room and they slept together on the couch after kissing and making up this was one of the best arguments they have ever had and they both enjoyed this argument they actually loved it because if ended in them hugging kissing making out a little and then falling alseep in the others warmth this was great


(Ok so I have actually been away for awhile I have been on Wattpad but I haven't been on the story and so I'm posting this to make up for that I thank you guys so much for reading this voting for this and so on if you guys have any recommendations please feel free to share them with me so I can go off of whatever it is you send me and yeah I just wanted to thank y'all and apologize for being gone off this story for so long anyway guys I won't keep you guys any long than I already have so bye and thanks for reading this guys!)
{WORD COUNT : 1187 words}

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