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(Ok so I didn't know what to name this to so it's gonna be called charging lol ok let's start this is actually gonna be short to me but I'm gonna actually make it longer than I usually would if that makes since)

No one's POV (ok so this whole story is going to stay in no one's POV until maybe at the end or something idk cause I'm kinda lazy and I wanted to make something long but quick idk why I always rush long story's lol it's always so funny to me but anyway)
Both sabito and Giyuu were extremely exhausted at there job (a big famous business called demon slayer HQ)
Usually sabito and Giyuu would work in the water department at the ones in charge of that department but only Giyuu was working on that department because sabito had to help a fellow coworker who went by the name of rengoku (that's not how you spell his name is it 😃)
Tanjiro who usually would help them and the water department had to help his friends inosuke (that's how they said his name when I searched it up ok 😭✋)
And zenistu (they also said it like that)
With the departments they where in the lightning and beast departments so he couldn't help water or fire department today so sabito had to tag along through all of the lectures as a supervisor and afterwards help rengoku the one in charge of that department with all of the paperwork that either needed to be moved to another location or needed to be printed to make more or he would just have to help write on them either way it was a lot of work he had to help finish in one day and at the end of the day sabito was on his way back to get Giyuu so they could go home but no rengoku had to say something that made his blood run cold
"You did amazing my friend you should start helping in the fire department everyday!" Rengoku said static about having sabito someone who could also get loud and very energetic could help him as a co-boss of the department but sabito turned to him and made a very funny looking face (I would give a pic at the end but for now just think of tanjiro lying to that lady at the entertainment district ok he made that kinda face I share a pic at the end of this but I wanna finish so y'all can have a new story cause why not I'm so nice right? Anyway back to the story)
This made rengoku freeze of shock (when an anime character loses there color and they go all white with a shocked face btw)
And when sabito noticed this he ran to the elevator hit the  3rd floor (so the way the building is made the third floor is one of the highest floors chase Giyuu the water hashira is the 3rd strongest hashira ikr I thought it was obanai or sum but apparently not shocking 🤨 but back to the story guys lol)
Where he found Giyuu laying on the floor he passed out "GIYUU" he yelled panicked I mean who wouldn't be if they found there coworker not to mention lover on the floor of there work place passed out after being left alone for hours
Kocho the head doctor/nurse of the building and also a boss of one of the departments called the insect department she so happen to hear him yell on her way out is what she said when sabito asked "why are you still here?" But he didn't believe her he thinks that she was on her way to harass Giyuu since she didn't get to do it early today (don't worry she doesn't do like anything like bad harassment it's more of a joke everyone in the building knows about it and that she doesn't have any bad intentions so they never say anything her and Giyuu call it there way of bonding since they are "frenemies" as they would put it when people ask how are they always laughing when they get into fights or kocho harassing him they say it's a joke sorry I just wanted y'all to know cause I don't want anyone to think that I don't like her I mean I kinda don't but that's cause in the anime she bully's him but I wanna make to where they are doing it in a friendly way nothing serious ok folks 😃)

As Giyuu was laying on the medical mattress (or whatever it's called) kocho said he would be ok so sabito would be good to take him home or whatever he wanted to do so sabito took Giyuu home and when they got there ( by car ofc) Giyuu had awoken but he saw he was laying in the back seat and on there way to work they took separate cars cause Giyuu left later than sabito cause he could get there between the times of (7:00-10:00) as long and it was between that time he could come anytime but he took his car  so he had never been in sabito's car and when he was he would forget cause it would be days weeks or months later so enough time for him to forget ( rarely being in yours lovers car is crazy but ok I guess 🤨)  so of corse he was scared because it was a car that he had thought he had never been in so he tried to open the door but it was child lock

Sabito's POV ( ok so ignore what I said about not adding someone's POV im just gonna add cause I have nothing to put in no one's POV so whatever imma just add)
I was driving smoothly and we were in the neighborhood a few more houses away from are house when I heard a metal sound hi the door in the back seat where Giyuu was resting


                  PART TWO IS PENDING
          Sorry guys this story got longer than I wanted to the point where I had to spend my days off from school to where I had to even use school days working on this story cause that's how much I appreciate you guys for being patient and waiting for new story's so I thank you guys but I'm probably gonna give y'all a crack episode because I need time to think for some new up and coming stories and also for that part two all y'all need to really know is that y'all are going to get a part two so yeah there's that no more words but here is y'all's word count :)


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