Chapter One: The Day It Began

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Erin's POV
I and Xavier had met in the ninth grade. He wasn't so bad then. The drugs and the alcohol hadn't invaded his system. But he was getting better. His arrest record was never going to disappear. It was a part of his past.

No one knew of our relationship. Xavier kept us on the down low with his friends, but I'm pretty sure his best friend Jennings knew about us. That's who must likely scored us all the tickets to all the band gigs and VIP club passes.

I would say I was going to my best friend Kaitlyn's house, but really I was sneaking out to meet him. Usually I would drive my car to the abandoned warehouse at the edge of town. It was Xavier's home ever since his mother had kicked him out when he had graduated.

I had helped him convert one of the workrooms into a functional bedroom slash everything else. He had hot wired electricity from the poll to an old generator. That gave him enough power for a few lamp, a tv, and a few outdated game consoles.

It wasn't the most elegant of places, but it was ours. After I would sneak to the warehouse, me and Xavier would load up into his beat up old pickup truck. We would enjoy a reasonable night out, I would go home, or spend the night. If I stayed overnight, I would say I spent it with my grandmother. She was so understanding that she would cover for me.

I was in love, and nothing was going to stop us. Or so we thought.
Friday, September 8th, 7:06 AM

My phone's alarm was blaring Blank Space by T-Swift, and I was refusing to get out of bed. I was snuggled under my olive green down comforter and I didn't plan on exposing myself to the world just yet.

I smelled the bacon and pancakes my mother was cooking, and decided that that was enough motivation to get up. Reaching down to disable my alarm, I was greeted with an text from my boyfriend.

XAVIER :Morning Beautiful:)

I texted a reply.

ERIN: Quit calling me beautiful. And good morning.

Immediately he buzzed back, and I laughed when I read it.

XAVIER : Okay, then good morning, my hideous and ugly girlfriend.

I rolled my eyes and responded.

ERIN: I think I liked beautiful better.

Placing my phone on my dresser, I walked into my closet. My outfit was already picked out, hanging on the back wall. A navy and white striped blazer with a white tank top, my favorite dark wash jeans, and a red infinity scarf.

Grabbing the outfit along with my red Keds, I laid them on my unmade bed. My hands yanked open my dresser drawer that contained my undergarments. A white lace bra and panty set was my choice, and I quickly changed into them. My clothes went on, and then my Keds. My phone buzzed with an incoming text, again.

XAVIER : R we still on 4 tonight? Scored tickets to The Trailblazers at Club Verona.

Knowing that I was available, I replied.

ERIN: Cool. And, yes I can still go out 2night.

XAVIER :Great. Love you, babe. Gotta go fix a broken tailpipe 4 old man Cooper. Text u l8r.

I texted him bye, and returned to curling my caramel blonde, waist length hair into perfect corkscrew curls. After I unplugged my iron, I lined my eyes with a navy eyeliner, and put on mascara. My lips were chapped, so I applied a lick of peach gloss.

I heard my mother calling for me as I grabbed my Michael Kors hobo bag and my cell. Turning off the lights to my room, I dashed down the stairs to our family's open floor planned kitchen. My mom, Kendra, was flipping pancakes on the skillet, a strip of half eaten bacon in her hand. She smiled at me when she saw me, and motioned for me to sit down at the bar.

Chewing the bacon she was currently eatingz, she began our regular morning conversation.

"Are you ready for homecoming next week?" She asked me, handing me the orange juice carton. I poured the liquid drink into the glass next to my plate.

"It's just a dance. I have to present a speech to the junior class, and then I'm ditching the rest of the dance for a sleepover a Julia's." I lied smoothly. Julia was a nobody in my class that I used occasionally to cover up my sleepovers with Xavier.

"I hate that you always skip such memorable experiences. I think that the Junior Class president should stay for all school sponsored events." My mother chastised me. I just rolled my eyes at her opinion.

"Mom, you know I hate dances. Too many sweaty bodies and drunk teenagers." I argued and my mother gave me a placid look of disapproval.

"Okay, fine. You win. But when will I ever meet this mysterious Julia. You are always sleeping over at her house. I would like to know her, just to make sure she isn't a bad influence." My mother said, and I rolled my eyes once again. Moms could be such moms.

"Okay, I can see what I can do." I replied, just to please her request. Looking at the clock on the stove, I realized that I was going to be late for school if I didn't leave now.

"Momma, I got to go. I'll see you when I get home. Oh, and by the way, I'm spending the night out with Kaitlyn. I should be back by 12 PM." I told her hurriedly, as I grabbed my car keys from the rack. She just nodded her head and shooed me out.

Out the front door I went, my backpack and purse slung over my shoulder. Unlocking my car, I opened the driver side door and climbed in. I started the engine, buckled my seatbelt and checked my mirrors. Once everything was clear, I pulled out of the drive and headed to school.
Cedargrove high school was one of the most prestigious high schools in the county. With high ranked academic scores, a very well educated staff, and one of the best athletic facilities in the country for high schools, it was every highschooler's paradise. I was part of pretty much every social group, seeing that I was in French club, the junior class president, and played tennis, swim team, and was a member of the girls softball team.

I parked my car in my reserved spot, one of the perks of being class president, and locked my car as I exited. People wave as they caught sight of me, and I spotted my best friend Kaitlyn chatting to a few of the varsity cheerleaders. She was my sidekick, and I was hers, and when she saw me, she darted towards me at lightning speed.

"OMG, honey, I have great news. As you know, I am not much for high school gossip, but I thought you should hear this. Apparently, Jesse from the varsity football team wants to ask you to the homecoming dance!" Kaitlyn squealed. I just rolled my eyes. Jesse Duncan was the quarterback of our varsity football team, and a complete meathead. No way I would go with him. I already had a boyfriend anyway. Well, a boyfriend nobody knew about.

"No way. He's too stupid for my type." I responded, and Kaitlyn's face fell in disappointment.

"But he's so cute." She whined and I still shook my head no.

"Come on, let's go." I said, and just then, the bell rang. I grabbed her arm and drug her into the school.
Hi, how's everyone doing? This is my first actual real, not prewritten on notebook paper romance story, so I'm a bit scared to write it. Some of the events in the story are going to be based off my real every day life, so please don't comment with hate. I hope you enjoyed reading it and thanks again!

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