Chapter Three: Mother Interrupts

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Saturday, September 9th, 6:40 am

I was splayed across Xavier's bed, my arms wrapped around his muscular torso. The guy was huge do to all the bench pressing he had been doing recently. Smiling, I snuggled down closer to him.

"Are you cold, babe?" Xavier asked, still half asleep. His morning voice was scruffy and I had to keep from laughing.

"Just a little, but you keep me warm." I said, the sound coming out muffled. I felt Xavier's rumbling laugh, and and I joined in.

"That sounded very cheesy, didn't it?" I asked my boyfriend, and he grunted. Obviously he wanted to go back to sleep, but I was hesitant. Reaching over to Xavier's chrome nightstand, I unplugged my phone from the charger that I kept here. Xavier had a Galaxy, while I stuck with my iPhone.

I about flipped when I saw the time. It was 6:40 am. I never got up before 9 am on a Saturday. Placing my phone back onto the table, I turned around to face an awaiting Xavier.

"Do you want me to cook breakfast?" I asked, and he pressed his lips to my ear and whispered yes.

I rolled the plaid patterned covers off me, and pushed myself off the lowered mattress. Xav had one of those mattress floor beds. I walked across the room to the freezer, and pulled out some frozen waffles. I heard Xavier get up behind me, and soon his arms were around my waist.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to skip homecoming and come hang out with me?" Xavier whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my neck. I smiled, already knowing that I had planned on spending the night with him.

"I guess it's a good thing I ditched Jesse Donovan's special invitation to be his date to homecoming." I said, meaning it to be a joke, but Xavier tensed up behind me.

"He asked you?" Xav said, his voice sounding rough and masculine. I heard a bit of anger in it too, though.

"Jeez, it was just a polite invitation. Calm down." I scolded him as I pressed the waffles into the the toaster to cook.

"No, I'm not going to calm down. I don't appreciate horny teenage guys asking my girlfriend out to stupid high school dances." Xavier said, his voice raising. I turned to face the steaming hothead.

"Xavier Chandler. Stop it. They don't know I have a boyfriend. Hell, neither does my best friend in the entire world. Don't be so surprised if I get asked by boys to go to dances." I defended myself, but Xavier still had a smirk on his face.

"I'm not going to stop. Erin, you are my girlfriend, and I don't want to share you with anyone but myself." Xavier confirmed, crossing his thick arms across his broad chest. I just rolled my eyes and began to get out two plates from the cabinet below the toaster.

"Now where did you put the syrup, Mister?" I asked Xavier, digging around in his makeshift bookshelf pantry.

"Top shelf on the right." He responded grumpily, and I grabbed it from its place.

"Now where are those strawberries that I bought at the farmers market last week?" I asked to no one in particular as I rifled around in the fridge. I finally located them behind one of Xavier's disgusting green protein shakes.

Removing a cutting board and knife from one of the random drawers in Xavier's kitchen, I began to finely slice the strawberries. When I heard the ding of the toaster, I removed the pipping hot waffles.

Throwing then onto the awaiting plates, I spread a few strawberries on each, added a dollop of whip cream, and poured on the syrup.

"I present to you, gourmet toaster waffles in under ten minutes." I said dramatically I as handed one of the plates to a hungry looking Xavier.

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