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Tia was a 15 year old that would hang around oy niggas. She Knows Dd but mainly talks to his brother who was like her best friend. She would see him at there house or just around. But never found a reason to have a bond or anything.

After notti died Tia was left depressed and grieving along with everyone else. But notti dying made all the shit she already had to deal with 10x worse. Tia's parents don't give a fuck about her they pay there bills on the apartment and js live separate lives.

She's always been by herself or hanging around oy niggas. Most of the times she smokes to help relieve it. Tia's dad when he was home, occasionally beat on her for trying to help her mother from getting beaten on. Her mother was never grateful for some reason and just gifted her items and money.

The oy niggas all see Tia as a little sister figure. None of them ever tried anything with her.
Tia also has features on songs and raps here and there. Most of her songs were with notti from them always being at the studio.

Before notti died she was with him all the time she would be with him at school but now she just keeps to herself and is high all the time.

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