Three Wishes

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~Bella and Emmy's outfits~

Right now, Bella and her friend Emmy were driving home from their part time job at a cafe when Bella noticed someone.

"Hey, Lady! Do you need a ride?!" Bella yelled out hoping she could hear her and she finally turned around and started walking towards her car.

"Thank you for stopping and giving me a ride." The woman said.

"My friend and I were just driving back home from work and I saw you. Can you tell me your name and what you were doing out in this weather?" Bella asked her softly with concern.

"Of course my name is Leilah and as for your second question I was looking for a couple special people, Bella and Emalee." Bella got chills as soon as Leilah said her name.

"Who are you and how do you know our names?" Emmy questioned calmly.

"Calm yourselves, Bella and Emalee. You girls have been chosen. You two have been granted a total of three wishes each." Leilah said.

"Can we travel to other dimensions with these wishes by any chance?" Bella asked looking for a way to finally escape from her older husband/master.

"Of course." Leilah said.

Once Leilah got done explaining how Bella and Emmy could cast any of their wishes at any time with no drawbacks towards the wishes, she magically disappeared from the passenger seat.

Instead of going to the Diner, Bella and Emmy went straight home. It took them about a week to come up with their wishes;

~Bella's wishes~

1. Go to the Power Rangers, Terminator, and Winx Club Universe along with everything she's wearing and holding and start from the first episode.

2. Become a mermaid in Mako Island moon pool.

3. Become Bloom's twin sister, the pink/white rpm ranger, and Summer Landsdown's cousin as well as John Connor's cousin with all her memories intact.

~Emmy's wishes~

1. Go to the Power Rangers and Winx Club Universe along with everything that she was wearing or holding, starting from the first episode.

2. Go to Alfea College for Fairies.

3. Become Summer's little sister, the Fairy of Balance, Bloom's cousin, and fall in love with Riven.

~With Bella~

Before Bella blinked as she casted her wishes, she was in her bedroom. The next thing she knew, Bella appeared in her new bedroom in Gardenia. Then as both her memories merged in her brain, all she knew was darkness.

~With Emmy~

Before Emmy blinked as she casted her wishes, she was in her bedroom at home looking at photos of Riven from Winx Club on her phone while lying in bed. The next thing she knew, Emmy had appeared in her new dorm room at Alfea College for Fairies. Then as both her memories merged in her brain, all she knew was darkness.

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