switchin teams?

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Small tw:alcohol,making fun of wills bowl cut 😔

A few hours later at about six they started getting ready it took them about half hour then they left since the party was about an hour away. He knew it was probably just him worrying but will had a feeling  the party wasn't going to go very well."Mike do we have to go?"Will asked "you promised"
So they went.They got there around seven forty-five.Will hadn't been to a party since middle school this was nothing like that.As soon as they walked in he saw a bunch of lunatics dancing around well Will didn't really think they were lunatics for dancing more so he was jealous they could be so free and comfortable.

Mike took will into the kitchen "Mike!You came!"Some random guy walked up to us!"Will this is Colby. Colby this is Will.My boyfriend!"Mike introduced them. What the hell kind of name is colby?Will thought."Switchin teams now are ya Mike"Colby said teasingly
Mike still looked worried."I'm just teasing.
I'm happy for you Mike!"He said.Mike let out a relieved sigh fallowed by a awkward but cute hug between the two.Maybe this party wont be as bad as I thought.

"Do you guys want a drink?"He asked "Oh I don't drink" "sure"we both said at the same time.
"You sure Will"He asked "Yeah i'm good"he
replied.Colby got mike a beer."Do you have anything without alcohol?"he asked "Yeah in the fridge take whatever you want"Colby replied.He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a capri sun he knew it's pretty immature but there good as fuck.We went out into the living room where everyone was dancing.There was a few guys who looked high on the couch.Mike just walked over and started talking to them they actually seemed pretty cool but were definitely high.

"I'm gonna go another drink"Mike said.What the hell I guess i'm driving home then.He didn't really know what to do while he was gone I don't know anyone here.Finnally Mike comes back and Mike has fucking two more beers "Your so fucking stupid"I tell him."oh hey maria I didn't know you were here!"Who the hell is Maria and how did he think I was her?! "since when did you get a bowlcut?"Now I know he's drunk but that still hurt."Mike I think we should go."I said "What we just got here"He replied.They had been ther like an hour but it felt like eternity.They headed out to the car Mike was stumbling all over the place and for some reason he thought he was driving yeah i'd like to live thanks!

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