Chapter 1: 10,000 Years of Training Complete

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Rosin came crashing down on the planet making a crater of immense size, causing a shockwave that eradicated multiple species of plants and animals causing mass extinctions. Tsunamis started to form as volcanic activity started to increase and the skies grew dark from smoke, purple lighting stretched across the sky and islands were ravaged by waves and swallowed by the oceans. Rosin, a gelatinous humanoid, with a somehow chiseled jaw line and of turquoise hue laid at the bottom of the newly formed crater. Its left arm leaking out whatever substance laid beneath its thick translucent skin. It stared up at the universe with only one eye because the left side of its head was almost completely gone, the chunks either evaporated as it broke through the atmosphere or lay splattered across the crater floor. Felix another humanoid creature with light brown skin, elvish facial features, deep purple eyes and long white breaded hair teleported in front of Rosin, looking down at it as it started get up and slowly healing its wound and regenerating the left side of its head.

"So, I'm guessing I finally passed this time?" Felix said with a grin exposing his shark like teeth.

"Now what makes you think that?" Rosin replied speaking with a southern drawl.

"Because half your head is scattered around our feet, and you said once I was to able shatter your skin I would be done with my training. Then you would officially transfer the title of Grimm Reaper to me." Felix stated with enthusiasm as the grin on his face grew wider and wider. Rosin, now fully healed, started looking around then held out its tentacle like arm with the palm facing the smoke covered sky. Three glowing orbs came out of its palm and floated up to the sky and get sweep away by the strong winds being taken to other location on the planet. It then looked at Felix and asked. "You remember your first fight in Sylinonet?"

"Yeah, the one where you took a dive after beating the shit out of me." Felix Replied.

"You had it since then" Rosin stated as he started stretching.

Felixs grin quickly dropped and was replaced with a look of confusion and annoyance " what the fuck have I been doing th.." Felixs question was cut short by Rosins answer " There are a lot of strange and powerful beings out in the universe and about one third of them want the title you possess. Back then you were far too weak to even put up a fight against the weakest of them. I wasn't going to just throw you to the wolves, so I trained you."

"oh" Felix replied being humbled by Rosins words.

"Don't feel bad your black magic is truly something special and even back then I knew that you had the ability to become even stronger than myself." Rosin said to reinsure Felix.

The grin on Felix's face grew back even wider now than before as he materialized a pure black butterfly knife and started flipping it around, the blade so sharp it seemed to slice through the air itself. "Nervous?" Rosin asked as he watched Felix twirl and spin his knife faster and faster.

"Just a little bit, I've been waiting for this day to come ever since we first met, and now it's finally happened I'm officially the Grimm Reaper!" Felix exclaimed as he swung his knife close, and it dematerialized.

"Well technically you already had the title for about 10,000 years but I'm glad you're happy." Rossie said with a grin.

"I'm GlAd YoU'rE hApPy." Felix mocked Rosin rolling his eyes, his face lit up a bright turquoise as Rosin start glowing.

"Oh it seems like my probes have found suitable places to take root. So have you thought about what you want to do now that your training is complete?" Rosin asked as it slowly started to sink into the ground at an unnoticeable speed.

Felix then pointed up to the completely blacked out sky as a bolt of lightning came down striking his fingertip. "You see that planet, I'm going there." he exclaimed.

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