Chapter 7

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Steve got back to his house before Eddie did, even if it was only by a minute or two. He was inside when he heard knocking, Eddie could have easily let himself in, the door wasn't locked, but he waited. When Steve opened it, Eddie was playing with his hair, he was actually nervous. He didn't know why he wasn't expecting him to be just as unsure about this as he was, but there he stood before him. He had been a little slumped over but he quickly straightened up, moving his nervous tick to play with his rings instead. He hadn't seen Eddie like this in a while, probably since the last upside-down fight.

They just stood there, staring at each other, Steve had no clue how to start this, but apparently Eddie did.

"This was a lot easier when we just kissed each other huh?" That got a hearty and disappointed sigh from Steve. He wasn't kidding, it really was.

"Yeah, you're not wrong there." They both laughed, it was awkwardly not that awkward, it cleared the air.

"What if we just did that again then Stevie? Maybe it'll actually help us...figure out what to say." Eddie took one cautious step forward, swaying into it as he spoke. Trying to convince himself he didn't actually mean it, even though he was being completely serious.

Maybe Steve did have a staring problem, because all he was doing was looking between Eddie's big brown eyes and his weirdly soft and pink lips. Ones that he had somehow gotten the luxury of tasting already, but since it was only once and quickly finished, he hadn't been able to lock them into memory.

He found himself wanting to lock them into his memory.

But obviously Eddie did too, because he stood only a few feet in front of him. Eyes locked on Steve from the moment he had opened the door. Perhaps they both had a staring problem, that was something he started taking into consideration at that point too.

"Maybe it would work, but we won't figure it out unless we try it." Steve shocked himself, he actually came off flirty and for once it was real. Not that their flirty banter had been born from faked feelings, it was just never meant to lead anywhere romantic. But this time it did, this time they were about to kiss each other again...Again...Steve's thoughts flooded with the thought of again.

"No we won't." Eddie was stalling, he was still nervous, Steve could see that much. He had been with enough people to know when they were scared to do something like this. Even if they had no reason to be. He wanted to kiss the creases in his forehead where the nerves seemed to be living. But instead of that, he made the move. He was Steve 'the king' Harrington, if he could do one thing well, it was kiss someone. Even if he regretted half the people he had to practice on to get the title.

Steve was able to relish it this time, able to memorize it. Eddie tasted like smoke and gum, his lips were in fact soft beyond the small cracking near the corners. It was summer, the weather was dry, and he was the type of person to keep licking his lips for moisture instead of using chapstick. Not only that, but even if Eddie said it was hard to find people in his area, he didn't show it. He knew how to kiss in a way he'd never really felt before from women. Maybe Steve was reading too much into it, but he liked it more. It was passionate and borderline possessive, even when it was on the softer or slower side.

Their arms wrapped around each other, Steve got to live within Eddie's hug and kiss at the same time. Somehow he didn't understand how he didn't daydream about this more. He was so worried about everything else to do with Eddie Munson, that he had no idea what he was missing out on.

"Do you remember what you said to me the night of the whole pool fiasco?" Apparently Eddie had enough time to figure out how to start their needed conversation, and Steve was on for the ride. Even if he didn't know what Eddie was getting at.

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