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"Thank you for lunch," I said as I stood in front of my
apartment door and Sebastian nodded with a smile, "Thank you also for distracting me today."

"No need to thank me, Luna," he said with a warm smile,"we're friends and I'd do anything to make sure you're happy and not feel depressed after your break up with Royce." I bit my lip and smiled. It was still unreal to think that my relationship was over. It was so unexpected but I suppose relationships end when you least expect them to. I had always imagined my future and family with him but things don't always go as you planned them.

"Relationships come and go, Seb," I eventually said with a smile, "Royce and I had conflicting schedules with him on tour and me filming my two movies, which made it very difficult for us to even be in the same place together."

He nodded before his eyes twinkled making me raise a brow and he smiled," what are you doing September 12 ?" I blinked and frowned titling my head trying to remember if I had filming that day before shaking my head when I remembered k and that whole week off.

"Yes," I stated and he gave me an unconvinced look making me roll my eyes, "I have a date with my couch and a bowl of my favorite ice cream while watching my favorite show."

He rolled his eyes and said, "well too bad because you're joining me at the EMMY's."

"Sebastian," I groaned and he grinned, "seriously?"

"Yes, I need a date and I figured that you'd be the best date to the show." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, "please?"

"Fine but you're buying me dinner and watching a marathon of The Originals with me while stuffing our faces with junk food." I stated and he blinked his eyes in shock before nodding, "what time will you be picking me up?"

"6:45" he answered and I nodded, "we've still got a while to go though, so you don't need to stress."

"Not stressing." I lied and he raised a brow making me roll my eyes, "are you going to a stay for dinner or are you leaving?"

"Is Chris coming over?" He asked and I nodded, "then sure. Haven't seen that idiot in a while."

I stepped to the side so he could enter before closing the door behind me as he walked to the living room where my two year old Maltese, Goldie, was laying on the couch.

"Hi, there pretty girl," Sebastian greeted the pup who looked up when he spoke before barking and jumping up to lick at his face while wagging her tail in excitement. I shook my head as I left the two to hang out while I headed to my room to change into something more comfortable before returning and getting started on dinner.

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