The day after the airport

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Gil... please stop screaming before I go deaf! Mayor Shelbourne said while cradling his screaming baby. He was clearly hungry, it was about lunch time. He had to change 3 diapers already this morning. A bottle was being warmed up, but little Gil was clearly demanding to be fed now. Gil.. it's coming... stop screaming.. then suddenly the doorbell rang. Ugh.. who is that??

Gil hush! Mayor Shelbourne said cradling his son. He made his way over to the front doors of the mansion and opened it. There was hector evil man Shelbourne. Oh, hello father. Yes nice to see you, anyway I came by to- wait what is that? He asked pointing to the baby in mayor Shelbourne's arms. Mayor Shelbourne sighed. He's... your grandson.. he said. Umm what? When did that happen??? Asked hector evilman.

Remember when I told you about that woman I was seeing on and off on my trip in New York City? Oh I see, said hector evil man. You two were fooling around one night weren't you? Mayor Shelbourne slapped one hand to his blushed face in embarrassment, holding Gil in the other. Dad please! Mayor Shelbourne sighed again.

Anyway, it was a very short lived relationship, we didn't even know each other that well. Apparently she had passed away from an illness right after after having the baby. So of course the court said I get full custody. And I barely had time to prepare! She didn't even tell me I got her pregnant! She- are you even listening dad!? Yes I'm listening! Hector evil man replied fiddling with some kind of gadget he made.

But yes, we were *fooling around one night* as you put it. Let me see it, said hector evil man as he snatched up the baby. Gil began to squeal and make a fuss. Oh yeah this baby is definitely yours! Hector evil man held Gil up in front of his face. Oh it's not even hard to see the resemblance. He has your eyes! They're just a lot brighter blue. His hair is similar too, his is just orange!

It's ginger dad.. said mayor Shelbourne annoyed. Hector evil man held up Gil and studied him closely. Are you gonna be my little apprentice? I also can't wait to run a bunch experiments on you in my lab. Are you ready for some HORRIBLE tests? Mayor Shelbourne rolled his eyes. Gil let out another little squeal, and getting fussy again.

Well it sure likes to squeal a lot doesn't it? Said Hector. Gil began to scream, as he couldn't sense his father nearby. Mayor Shelbourne took Gil from hector and cradled him close to his chest, shhh Gil it's okay, daddy's here. Gil began to calm down. He could sense he was in his father's arms again. Awww he wants his daddy! Said hector evil man. Mayor Shelbourne let out another annoyed sigh.

Suddenly a few people appeared near the front doors of the mansion. Oh no... reporters! Said mayor Shelbourne shuttering. Mayor shelbourne is that your son?? Is it true the mother had passed?! Ugh! Yes! But mind your own business and leave! Said mayor Shelbourne. Yeah leave us alone! Said hector evil man as he walked inside shutting the front mansion doors closed and locked. UGH! I hate the press! Said mayor Shelbourne annoyed. Gil began to scream again.

Oh great! I finally got him to be quiet and they got him going again, said mayor Shelbourne cradling the screaming baby. He needs to be fed anyway. A little while later the bottle finished warming up and mayor Shelbourne fed it to Gil. They sat down. Hopefully he won't be too hard to raise! Unlike you. Laughed hector evil man. Oh I will make sure he will be easy to raise. Mayor Shelbourne replied.

I'm going to make sure he's always aware of my authority. Said mayor Shelbourne. He's going be obedient, I will make sure of that. He will be afraid of disappointing me. He's going to obey my every command. Well your going to have to really keep him in line then, hector evil man replied. Oh I will... said mayor Shelbourne smiling looking down at his baby in his arms feeding from the bottle.

Oh yes, he will be my obedient little son. So what? Your just gonna push him around and intimidate him constantly to remind him of your authority over him? Asked hector. Yes.. that's right.. mayor Shelbourne replied, as he laughed evilly. He will always be eating off the palm of my hand.. I think he's already doing that, said hector evil man pointing to the bottle mayor Shelbourne was feeding to him.

I didn't mean literally dad.. mayor Shelbourne replied. Hey you know that fisher man guy Tim Lockwood? He and his wife had a son about a year ago and I saw him in the park once, that kid is really smart, I have a sneaky feeling he's going to be an inventor like me. Oh dad, it's all in your head. Mayor Shelbourne replied. Gil finished the bottle.

Oh Gil your are so gross! His diaper smells disgusting! Bleh! Said mayor Shelbourne with a disgusted look on his face. I swear all he does is eat and poop, then cry, and then eat and poop, cry more, and sleep! That's what babies do, replied hector evil man. Here... hold this smelly thing that I accidentally brought into the world... said Mayor Shelbourne handing him the baby, looking grossed out.

He went and got a new diaper and changed it. He threw away the old one. He picked up Gil. You are so gross Gil! At some point he's going to destroy my sense of smell! And my hearing with all his screaming! Said mayor Shelbourne. He's a literal poop machine! Really? Asked hector. You were even worse then he is.. Well, I better be going back to the home said hector evil man. Okay.. it's time for his nap anyway said mayor Shelbourne.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now