Stormy night

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It was around 8:00 at night. Mayor Shelbourne had just returned home with the baby after a long day. Gil was getting fussy and needed to be fed. He placed Gil in his cradle and went down stairs to warm up another bottle. Gil definitely getting very hungry.

Mayor Shelbourne came back upstairs with a warm bottle for the baby. Gil was kicking and making fuss. Okay Gil I know! It's coming. He scooped up the baby in his arms and sat down in his chair near the fireplace. He turned on the tv as well. Gil was calm now that he was being fed.

Mayor Shelbourne watched the tv as while feeding the baby. Then suddenly the weather channel came on. Apparently a thunderstorm was coming. Mayor Shelbourne looked over at the clock. It was only around 8 at night. He just hoped the storm wouldn't last all night.

The baby was half way through the bottle, but mayor Shelbourne took it and set it down on the stand next to the chair. Gil began to make a fuss as mayor Shelbourne held him held him upright over his shoulder while patting his back. Gil was clearly unhappy at this, trying to escape from his father's hold.

Oh no, last time you threw up all over me, I'm not falling for that again, said mayor Shelbourne. After a minute or two he cradled the baby again and resumed feeding the baby. Mayor Shelbourne could see out the mansion windows of his bedroom.

He could see storm clouds begin to roll in up in the night time sky. A thunderstorm would be beginning soon. He wasn't sure how the baby would do with thunder. The first hum of thunder rang through the mansion, as well as the the first flash of lightning. Rain droplets began to pitter patter down the windows.

Gil finally finished the bottle. Mayor Shelbourne got up and put the baby in the cradle. He went downstairs to get a small glass of wine, drank it, and came back upstairs to his bedroom. He saw Gil in the cradle next to his own bed. Another hum of thunder rang through the mansion, a little louder this time.

Gil began to cry and get fussy. UGH! Gil you are so needy and irritating! I've been holding you all day! Said mayor Shelbourne. He sat back down in his chair near the fireplace. He just needed some time to just sit down. The thunder would not stop, and neither would Gil's cries. Finally he just couldn't take it anymore.

Ugh.... Alright Gil alright! You going to make me go deaf! Mayor Shelbourne said as he scooped up the baby from his cradle, and held him as he sat back down in his chair. Gil! Hush... it's alright, daddy's here. It's only thunder. Mayor Shelbourne held Gil closer, cradling him tightly in his arms, to try and make him feel safe.

Hush Gil... he whispered. Just go to sleep. When Gil becomes older, mayor Shelbourne knew he would be emotionally distant, and become annoyed whenever Gil would try to touch him, but since Gil is a baby, it was almost like he had no choice but to try and nurture his son. He is only a baby.

Mayor Shelbourne held him close to his chest and kissed his baby on the head. It's alright Gil, hush.. he said trying trying calm his squealing infant son. It will definitely be a relief when Gil can walk on his own, get potty trained, talk on his own, and do basic things on his own. Eventually Gil would sleep in his own room down the hall as well, but not yet.

Gil finally began to calm down. He could sense he was in his father's arms. He seemed to always calm down when he could sense his father was nearby. Finally it looked as if he were falling asleep. He was so small, mayor Shelbourne thought to himself. Although mayor Shelbourne definitely wasn't the tallest man himself.

After a couple hours, Gil woke up hungry again, mayor Shelbourne fed him, then held him while he slept again. The thunderstorm was still there. It didn't seem to want to go away. Mayor Shelbourne waited until about 11:00 then he got up and tried to put Gil back in his own cradle. Mayor Shelbourne was tired and needed some sleep.

It was raining rather hard outside. Gil began to get fussy again, ugh you have got to be kidding me! Said mayor Shelbourne frustrated. You know, what? I'm too tired to even try to get him to sleep in his own cradle. Mayor Shelbourne scooped up his baby and let him sleep with him in bed.

Gil immediately stopped crying. Mayor Shelbourne cradled him protectively, and Gil fell asleep rather quickly. The thunderstorm went on throughout the night. By morning it was still thundering some. Mayor Shelbourne had breakfast and fed Gil as well. He was just glad they were both able to sleep last night.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now