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Mayor Shelbourne certainly knew Gil was extra fussy today. In fact, way more fussy then usual. Evening was settling in, it was cold and windy, it would appear that another storm would be rolling in soon. Mayor Shelbourne couldn't seem to get Gil to feed today. Something was wrong. Of course the baby had to eat soon or something would be wrong.

So there mayor Shelbourne was, sitting in his chair near the fireplace. Gil was kicking and fussing around, trying to escape his father's arms. Mayor Shelbourne only tightened his hold on to Gil. It's been almost ALL day and the baby still refused to be fed. This was the last straw, mayor Shelbourne held a warm bottle in one hand, and tightly cradling his son in the other.

Gil wouldn't stop squirming around, trying to get free. Mayor Shelbourne tried to get him to eat earlier but was unsuccessful. He gave up for a while but now it was almost nightfall! Gil needed to eat! Gil! You can't just not eat, it's been all day. Gil only responded by squirming around being fussy some more.

That's it! Your going to eat one way or another. Mayor Shelbourne couldn't think of any other way but to force feed his baby, but how could he do that without hurting him? Gil would not stop being fussy and kicking for some reason. Mayor Shelbourne laid Gil down further into his arms, holding his tiny legs still to prevent more kicking. This only upset the baby further. This was frustrating.

He held the bottle in front of Gil's face to try and let him know it was time to eat. Although every time he tried that, Gil refused to budge. Oh that is it! Mayor Shelbourne tried to pry the baby's mouth open, then just shove the bottle in. That seemed to work at first, but Gil only drank half. Mayor Shelbourne tried to force it in again, as Gil was way behind on his feeding schedule.

Something wasn't right. Was his boy sick? He placed his hand on his sons head, which felt rather warm. Perhaps assistance from a doctor was needed..

                            Some time later:

Luckily the doctors office was still open for another hour, and doctor manny was able to see Gil. After examining the baby, he could tell the child was ill. He took his temperature which confirmed a fever, and did few other things. He also listened to the baby's heart, although Gil was unhappy about that, squirming all over the place. Mayor Shelbourne had to hold him very still in his arms.

The doctor finished examining. Alright, well, it looks to me like the common cold and flu symptoms, he has a runny nose, he's very fussy, and he has a fever, said doctor manny. I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics, do you have children's cough syrup at home mr mayor? I do not, replied mayor Shelbourne, trying to talk over Gil's screaming.

Alright well, they have those at the general stores, I would recommend getting some of that, as well as child flu medicine before it closes. Try that, and he should be just fine. If it gets worse for any reason, bring him back to my office. Said doctor manny. We're supposed to get some stormy weather tonight, so you should probably go now and then get home, to try and beat the storm.

It is also cold and flu season, so it's been floating around town, but he should be alright after the medication, and get his appetite back. Said doctor manny. Alright, Thankyou. Said mayor Shelbourne. He wrapped up Gil with extra blankets, despite Gil's protests, to keep him warm. It looks like a quick trip to the store on the way home was in order.

                               At the store:

Mayor Shelbourne was at the store, with his baby all bundled in his arms. He really didn't want to be out at the moment, but anything to make the baby stop all this dreadful screaming. Gil, shhh quiet down! Mayor Shelbourne got the antibiotics, and found some cough syrup, as well as flu medicine. He also got some more blankets diapers, baby formula, and baby clothing as it was getting cold, just in case.

He out checked everything out, and then made his way back out to his limo, where the driver would take them home. Mayor Shelbourne could see some dark storm clouds in the distance, as well as some lightning. He held Gil close and cradled him to his chest, hush Gil, it's okay, daddy's here. Mayor Shelbourne tightened his hold, which seemed to calm Gil down a bit. Then they finally made it home.

Mayor Shelbourne carried the stuff from the store as well as his infant son upstairs to his bedroom. Gil, hush.. it's alright daddy's right here. Then suddenly Gil threw up all over himself.. oh Gil! Your so disgusting! Luckily nothing got on mayor Shelbourne this time.

Why are you so gross?? Then the baby began crying even louder, mayor Shelbourne sighed heavily. This is going to be a long night.. he told himself. Poor Gil had spit up all over himself, to the point of needing a bath. Well, at least you didn't get any on me this time.. said mayor Shelbourne.

Mayor Shelbourne set his baby down on the bed to grab some things, which only made Gil scream. Oh my... why are you-?? Gil! Stop it, Your going to make daddy go deaf! Just hold on a second! Mayor Shelbourne grabbed a fresh diaper, baby clothing, and some towels and set them in the bathroom. He picked up the baby and brought him in the bathroom. He gently undressed the baby and placed him laying down in the tub.

He turned on some warm water, although not too hot since Gil already had a fever. Gil kicked and fussed, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't even sit up yet, despite all his protests. Mayor Shelbourne placed his hand on his son's head and gently stroked it, letting him know that his father was nearby, and that everything was okay.

Gil had a lot of throw up on him. Mayor Shelbourne got a few wash cloths, as well as some soap and washed off all the throw up with water. He also washed the baby's hair, since he was already in the tub, he might as well do that too. His son had beautiful light ginger and gold hair. Gil seemed to relax a bit, maybe the warm water was soothing to him.

After the bath he dried him off with a towel, and put a fresh diaper, and clothing on. As well as a blanket, since Gil began to shiver. He sad down in his chair near the fireplace cradling Gil in his arms. After many tries, he finally got the baby to swallow some medicine. Now he just had to give him some cough syrup.

He knew Gil probably would get fussy, so he tightened his hold on the baby, and tried to force the spoon of cough syrup in his mouth. Yes it made Gil cry, but he managed to get the medicine down. The medicine seemed to take affect as Gil began to relax, and his coughing eased. This would be a good time to try another bottle.

Mayor Shelbourne made his way downstairs to warm up a bottle, with Gil in his arms. After warming up a bottle, he went back upstairs to his bedroom and sat back down. He cradled Gil tightly in case he decided to get squirmy again, and held his tiny legs still in his hand. He put the bottle in the baby's mouth, and this time, Gil just accepted it.

It seemed like he was finally feeling well enough to be fed! Finally, that was a nightmare.. said mayor Shelbourne. All that crying... he made sure Gil actually finished the bottle. Gil seemed to be only half awake, so mayor Shelbourne set him down on the bed, and used this time to get ready for bed himself.

He didn't even try to put Gil in his cradle, he just held him protectively in his own bed. He really shouldn't encourage this when he's older, but he's a baby. A sick baby too. And somewhere deep down, he wanted the baby in his arms tonight since he was sick. Gil relaxed and fell asleep rather quickly, sensing he was in his father's arms.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now