•Chapter 3• S.O.S

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This oxygen tank was worse then expected. Robin had traveled out of shallow twisty bridges at a relatively fast pace, now taking the time to look around the twisty bridges biome. The abundance of oxygen plants scattered helped for keeping under the water for longer to really get a good look at some things, but overall the lasting oxygen she had never added up to much. That a long with the aggressive brute sharks that enjoyed sneaking up when least expected and giving a good scare, leading to lots of frantic paddling up to surface level for a long and desperate gasp of air, She really hoped that all this exploring would lead to some good finds and wouldn't be in vain. After she was able to catch her breath, Robin dove back under confidently, this time determined to explore deeper then before and find something of worth in this deep pit of twists.

~ ...---... ...---... ...---...~

Robin's PDA spat out a series of unknown gibberish, although not being able to identify the sounds as any form of human communication, she listened to the message a few more times back.

"That sounds like a distress call." Robin was able to identify the meaning of the speech, even if the words were still unknown. The curiosity of an S.O.S signal at a depth like this wracked the back of her mind.

~Transmission of unknown origin. Source of transmission depth calculated at approximately 200 meters.~

She took a good look around, a large out of place pillar with a light green glow in the center caught her eye, it isn't the type if thing you'd see naturally in a environment like this clearly. Swimming closer to get a better look she saw that it bordered a creepy and slightly dark cave system, although already preparing to turn back to common territory, Robin knew that it wouldn't do any good to avoid the area. The urge to find out what was causing the signal still ate at her, something inside Robin told that this system definitely had something to do with it. traveling into the abyss, a long tunnel of conveniently placed oxygen plants lit up a path way, not only providing a constant source of air to breath, but leading her straight to a large entrance that looked something straight out of the alien movies.

"Is this where that signal is from..? I couldn't imagine it coming from anywhere else." She was highly off put by such an inorganic looking structure built into the wall of a cave. But without a doubt she had to see what was inside, entering the green forcefield from a bit higher up and plopping down onto the ground with a thud from the height she phased through in, looking at the patterns etched into the ceiling and floor. Upon seeing a cyber-spider looking gadget stride across the ground she quickly pulled herself back to a stand and continued deeper. The building itself seemed to end a bit down the passage and enter into a more natural looking scene, the only thing taking away from it being a large broken down bridge leading up to a higher platform that looked to be made of the same material as the entrance. Everything seemed to be in disarray and most rocks cluttered the floor or layed upon the broken bridge.

•Seeking emergency assistance•

A loud voice called, it appeared to echo throughout the entire sanctuary, Robin was taken a back by the sudden booming dialogue, flinching a bit back but quickly returning to her tall physique.

"I can help you better if you show yourself." Robin called out into the empty room, continuing to walk slowly forward up the bridge as best she could, attempting to peak around to see if she could identify anyone or thing. She made it fully up into the platform, now able to see into the room ahead. Inside appeared to be something, or one standing at a large array of what looked to be lots of unidentified technology in front of a large, intimidating, green glowing cube. Robin couldn't quite make out what she was looking at, before she could get any closer to make out appearances the figure turned a bit to her. A large centaur like being, bearing almost the same color and patterning as the facility except for light purple cracks that lit up along there whole body and up to what was assumed to be there face, that being just a large slightly triangular shaped purple light.

"Woah. Are you one of them? An Architect?" Robin asked, really taking this moment to analyze and process the fact that this was a giant unknown species that humans had little to no knowledge on. The alien turned fully to face her, placing one hand over the other almost formally.

"Is that what your species identifys us as? You may refer to us as Al-an." He dipped his head slightly, as if to show some kind of respect towards his new guest.

!NEW REWRITE OUT! •~Unknown Specimen~• (Al-an x Reader Subnautica BZ)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant