TW for the 2nd half

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If only there were also 69 votes 😔

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If only there were also 69 votes 😔


randomest headcanons:

Trans!MTF countries:



Trans!FTM countries:



Tuvalu (deceased, more on that later)

Who got surgery?

Japan (Used her inheritance)
Laos (ASEAN paid for it)
Haiti (worked to pay for it)

Who hasn't?

Mongolia (working to get it)



EPIC BACKSTORY *guitar shred*

Tuvalu was the 4th oldest in the English fam after America, Canada and New Zealand. He was apart of the Oceania triplets (then called the quadruplents) until they all turned 11. This was when he began to realize he was Trans and came out to the rest of his siblings who accepted him and began to call him by masculine pronouns.

UK and France were taking a break from each other so UK was usually in a bad mood. When Tuvalu came out to his father UK didn't accept him, telling him that it was "just a phase".

Like ouch UK wtf

Anyways, Tuvalu knew that his dad wasn't gonna help him transition and France wasn't around either so he tried...other options.

He saved up some money for a year or 2 (also got given a bit by the rest of the gang) and went to go try illegal ways for surgery. And he found one, but the place was far away. So he packed his bags, said goodbye to his family (UK not included since he didn't know abt this at the time)

He didn't come back. The surgery was extremely unsafe, especially for a 13 year old like him. Tuvalu suffered major complications. When America and Canada went to go search for their brother, all they found was his bloody misshapened body in a shallow grave.

In "Those Eyes", Tuvalu may be mentioned a few times in New Zealand's POV but is the forbidden fruit of the household.

After his death, UK made amends(a bit too late) and accepted everyone for who they are. France also came and they got back together. But the damage had already been done. America would never forgive UK for the way he treated Tuvalu and the rest would never look at their father the same way again.

Just wanted to clear that up. Over this mourning for Tuvalu era was when USSR died and cursed Belarus so Russia and America grieved together and fell in love, etc.

If you have any questions concerning this, don't be afraid to DM me.


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