Chapter 13

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We get into the house and Jerry is blind folding my eyes with his hands.
I giggle as he takes my bags from me and says "No peeking babe."

"Jerry! What are you doing?!" I laugh.

"I got something to show you" He replies, walking beside me with his hand covering my peepers.

We approach the dining room, I can feel the plush carpet and smell something delicious. Like roasted vegetables and sautéed potatoes, with the sweetness of butternut squash.

We stop and both his hands cover my eyes now.
"Can I look yet?" I smile.

"Not until I say." He says.

"Mmm, starting early with the role play are we?" I tease.

"It's never early" He chuckles.

He releases his hands from me and my eyes are still closed.

"You can open them.." he says.

I look at the feast neatly arranged on the table. Everything you can think of. Roasted meats, potatoes, vegetables, cheeseboards and much more.

There are wine glasses at the placemats.

I look in awe at what he's done for me.

"Jerry...this looks amazing..." I say, sort of speechless.
"Did you hire someone to do this?"

I turn to see him and his eyes are lovingly staring into mine.
He takes my hands into his.

"No, I did this. Spent all afternoon with a few friends trying to cook all this. Got some family who are a dab hand at cooking to help. I did this for you babe. I wanted to." He says before our lips meet.

"Thank you. I love it." I respond. "What is it in celebration of?"

"It's a welcome home dinner. I knew you liked cheeses and wine, you love those little tater tots and roasted vegetables. Why not have a buffet?" He smirks.
"That and I fucking love you."

My eyes swell at his admission.

"I love you too."
I reply, my hand caressing his cheek before we kiss again, this time it's more tender and loving.

"Take a seat." Jerry says.

He goes over to one side of the table and pulls out the chair for me to sit in.

"My Lady.. " he says with an off British accent.

I giggle at him.

"Thank you DADDY, I mean Sir..." I wink at him.

I sit in the seat and move it so I'm closer to the table.
Jerry grabs the white wine.

"1879 Sauvignon Blanc...apparently it's great stuff...and it's alcohol free...because I'm not about to relapse." He says.

"That works out." I say as he pours some into my stem glass.

"Oh yeah? You giving it up?" Jerry asks.

"Only for a little while..." I reply, trying to drop as many hints as I can about my news.

He pours himself a glass.
"Well here's to sobriety" He says before sitting down and toasting our glasses.

"And to new beginnings." I add.

"You're damn right babe." Jerry laughs.

Before he can sip on his beverage, I interrupt.
"Jerry...I got some news and it will affect both of us greatly."

"Oh, is this the winning surprise?" He smirks, a loving grin at me.

" definitely is." I smile. " and me..." I say, pausing, feeling nervous.

"In about 9 months...a big change with happen, and it will affect our lives forever."

Jerry looks to me now, his smirk turning serious. He puts the glass down like he's figured out what it is, but he waits for me to say it.

"'re going to be a dad..."

Jerry looks at me and opens his mouth like he is gonna say something. Wow, something has stunned the great Jerry Cantrell into silence.

I then think maybe he isn't supportive of the news. It takes him a while to respond to it, like so many thoughts are going round in his head.

"Are you serious?" He asks.

I nod.
"I took a few tests. All positive."

He gets up and walks over to me. He puts his hand out for me to hold and as I do, I stand to face him.

I see his eyes well up. I've never seen Jerry cry, I think he would try and hide it from me, but this time he doesn't.

He sniffs and wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Jer...I wasn't sure how you'd take the news I..."

Before I can say anything else, he embraces me gently.

I can hear him sniffling, trying to hold back the tears and clearing his throat.

He moves my long blonde locks away from my ear and says;
"You don't know how much I've wanted this."

I move my head to see his face, so close to mine.

"I never thought I'd have the opportunity at my age to be a father, but I've always wanted to be one. Just never found the right woman who accepts me for who I am and who wants to settle with me. Not until you came along." Jerry says.

"Oh Jer...I'm so happy..." I say, smile beaming as tears form in my eyes now.

We kiss passionately, lovingly.

"I love you babe...and I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother to my child." Jerry states.

He feels my stomach.

"I'm not showing yet, but I have a scan in two weeks...maybe you can come along?" I suggest.

"Damn right I'll be there!." He chuckles before kissing me once again.

"So I get another week off? I told you I'd win..." I laugh.

" know what...take the whole year off..." he smirks.

"Really? But I have to work. I'm not the type of woman to give everything up for a life of leisure." I say.

"Take some time off to be happy and healthy to raise our'll be good for you...and the baby." Jerry states.

"Fine, but if I feel the need to do laundry, I'm gonna do it!" I jokingly threaten.

Jerry puts up his hands.
"I guess if you feel the need." He smiles.

"I'm starving." I say and sit back down in the chair, Jerry doing the same.

I am buzzing from our interaction and from Jerry's happiness at my news.

"I was thinking for a girl we could call her...Gloria." I smile, knowing it's his mother's name.

Jerry nods, those same sentimental tears filling his eyes. They don't fall, but I know he appreciates my tribute to his late Mom.

Then he adds something that makes me realise how much Jerry values life and the people who he's spent his time with past and present.

"If it's a boy...I was thinking..."
He pauses and smiles at me.


Put You Down (Jerry Cantrell x OFC) (Alice In Chains)Where stories live. Discover now