Sunday Evening

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"Did you sleep well?"

Wei WuXian had woken up from his nap determined to never move again. And not because he was sleeping on a most comfortable surface and didn't want to move.

Well... that was part of it.

The main part, though, was that he was sleeping on a most comfortable surface and if he moved, he'd have to actually face said surface which would be thoroughly embarrassing as he was lying fully on top of said surface. Not cuddling up against it like a normal person. Nope. His head and chest were fully resting on Lan WangJi's chest. His waist was right on top of Lan WangJi's groin. Their legs were sort of laced together. And his arms were gorilla-glue stuck around Lan WangJi's shoulders.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"' That earned a nod. "Good. Do you like seafood? Other than raw oysters?"

Wei WuXian raised his head. "How do you know I don't eat raw oysters? Yes, I eat seafood. I eat almost everything." And since he was now facing his 'surface', he started blushing and rolled swiftly to the side. "Sorry?" he squeaked. "I didn't crawl on you on purpose."

"It's fine. I enjoyed it."

Wei WuXian swiftly glanced down towards Lan WangJI's waist and then forced his eyes back up to a respectable height. He would have felt it if Lan WangJi had 'enjoyed' it. Pulling down on his shorts and shirt in an attempt to hide his body better, Wei WuXian scooted off the bed. "I'm going to brush my teeth."

Sometimes brushing one's teeth literally meant putting toothpaste on a brush and brushing one's teeth. And sometimes it meant sitting on the closed toilet seat and staring at an incognito tab on one's phone showing results of a (slightly necessary? Might be needed in some far, far distant future?) web search on how to safely have anal sex, and firmly telling one's 'junior' to calm down. He wasn't going to have sex with Lan WangJi because they hadn't even had their first date! And he didn't have sex on the first date. Ever.

As in he hadn't had sex. Ever.

Teeth finally clean and lower half under control, he came back to see Lan WangJi on his balcony talking to someone on the phone. After hanging up, Lan WangJi mentioned, "I was able to get us a reservation at Oscar's for seven. Do you have a suit? You need one. Or at least a blazer and nice trousers."

"Oscars? How did you manage that? LiJie tried to get reservations for an anniversary dinner; she called four months out and they were already booked."

"I met Oscar's brother, Frederich, when I was in school in Vienna."

Wei WuXian tried hard to not look surly. "Of course a three star Michelin chef has a world class musician for a brother," he muttered.

Lan WangJi's mouth ticked up at one corner. "Not exactly." He opened the pictures app on his phone and showed a picture of him and two older men. "This is Frederich," he said pointing to one of them, "And Oscar," he pointed to the other. Frederich was smiling widely and had the stereotypical features of someone with Down's Syndrome. "Frederich likes classical music; he worked as a custodian at my school. It was easy enough to open my practice room door so he could listen to me play while he worked. Oscar appreciated that I treated his brother like a normal person and told me that if I was ever in LA, I could call him and get reservations whenever I pleased."

Wei WuXian's suit had been bought for his sister's wedding and was tight in the shoulders and just too short in the legs. They went to a department store where Wei WuXian refused to even try on the branded clothing. "I am not paying over a thousand dollars for a suit I'm going to wear precisely three more times!" he hissed while the store employee was putting back an Armani.

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