Chapter 22 ; Unveiling the Truth

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As Dari walked to the Drag , tired and defeated, he watched Damon stare at him as he walked through the alleyway.

"What?" He asked, as Damon smiled that nasty smile of his.

"Nothing! You've.. Impressed me." Damon backed off the wall, and led him inside to the sound of the blaring music, before they headed up the stairs and into the room.

Inside, he saw two men arguing, Ken and..


He looked at Dari in shock.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Dari.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied.

"He's nobody." Daichi walked towards the door.

"Now tell me what you're doing here, or else you're nobody to me too." Daichi said sternly, hanging by the door.

"I'm here for my cousin. Repaying a debt for him. And you? Don't give me a load of bullshit either."

"Ken. He's my brother."

"Took you long enough to tell me." Dari sighed.

"I didn't think you wouldn't tell me something as important as that." Daichi said, upset as he made his way out of the club.

"I didn't do anything wrong." He followed Daichi.

Daichi looked back at him.

"Fuck off." He said.

"Just listen to me." Dari ran in front of him, turning around stopping him dead in his path. Daichi sighed.

"You've got ten seconds." Daichi leaned against a wall.

"So my cousin's been in the gang since he was 13, paying a debt. I wanted to help him out with that debt because he's my ride or die." Dari exhaled.

"That's it? I was expecting a phony excuse. I forgive you, I guess."

"Yeah.. Now why would you lie about Ken being your brother?" Dari pressed.

"I just didn't want you to think of me differently because he's a bad person. That's all." He began walking slowly, motioning for Dari to join him.

"That's alright.. I get it. So you can understand why I didn't tell you.. Right?" Dari looked back at him.

"Of course. But no secrets between us anymore, right?" He held out his pinkie.

"Aren't we too old for that?" Dari laughed a little.

"You're never too old for a pinkie promise." Daichi said seriously, smirking.

"Is that so?" Dari put in his finger.

"Of course. This is one of the most binding contracts ever known to man." He let go, smiling that same smile that let Dari's guard down.

"I never want to see that smile fade from your face."

Dari watched the corner of his mouth twitch downwards.

"Let's hope you won't have to." He walked away, leaving Dari on the street with a puzzled expression on his face.

Dari met up with Satoro in the Drag again.

"It'll be over soon." Satoro said as he noticed Dari's blank expression.

"I want it to be over now." Dari looked over at him.

"Just wait a little. You'll see." He said. Dari nodded uncomfortably.

"I didn't see you last night." Dari said. Satoro glanced at him for a split second.

"I was out." Satoro said.

"Yeah well no fucking shit, I meant where were you?" Dari and him walked up the stairs.

"I was at the Drag, Damon gave me a job." He said, opening the door to go into Damon's spot. Dari eyed Satoro's hands which were in his pocket, grasping onto something.

"Finally. Satoro, we got a job for you, texted the address to you already. Dari, more shipments of ecstasy out for you, you do a dropoff around the corner of the same street you used to sling at. We got a guy offering 20k for the entire pack. Make me proud." Dari played with the gun in his waistband before leaving the club again.

Dari looked over at Satoro as he went in the opposite direction as him. As he finally reached his destination, he stood there silently in the alleyway that he detested so much. He looked around himself, standing there for a good 2 hours before a tall middle aged man walked up to him.

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