Part 13

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My my, if it isn't some fluff at the price of angst.

Enjoy you guys~


Chapter 13:

Aether waved as you made it out of Wangshuu Inn. Paimon looked irritated, but if you're being quite honest, it was about time the tables were turned in that aspect.

"That took forever!" The pixie exasperated.

"That's a long time." You respond with fake wonder, grinning as Paimon displays her irritation spiking.

Aether sighs beside you, shaking his head slightly before heading in the direction of the harbor. You fall into step with him, knocking shoulders happily.

"Why do you always have to pull a rise from her?" He huffs out.

"It's stronger than me." You reply with a grin, laughing when the blonde rolls his eyes.

As you get closer to the harbor, voices begin to fill in the tranquil quiet of the morning. One voice in particular rang out louder than the rest. It'd be hard not to recognize her jovial tone.

"Kazuha! We leave in a week! Don't get lost!"

You pressed a hand to your mouth in an attempt to hide the laugh. The response must be far too quiet to hear because she's answering something you're not too sure about.

"Did you bring me here to meet Beidou?" You asked with a knowing glint.

"Not quite." Aether says, eyes scanning the crowd before recognition lights them. "Kazuha!" He calls out, with a wave to gather the samurai's attention.

When he turns towards you guys, that scarlet gaze brings memories to the forefront of your mind so strongly that you nearly stumble.

Sara!! I finally drew Kazuha! His alt is super pretty!!

Gurl, forget his alt. Even as a lesbian, I can tell you that he's super pretty.


Sara, look! I maxed Kazuha out!

You C6-ed him? Damn gurl.

Are you insane? I have him at level ninety.


Between Kazuha and Xiao, who's the Anehoe supreme pretty boy?


Don't look at me like that! Spare me! I'm so sorry I questioned your obsession with Xiao.


I drew Kazuha.

That's awesome. His alt is super pretty.

I put him in my party.

What about Ayaka?

I want a piece of you with me, always.

The sudden urge to both sob and throw up overwhelm you. You stagger on your feet, reaching out blindly for Aether. The blonde does not catch your fingers. Instead, a flash of concern in the form of scarlet invades your vision. It's kazuha's hand that catches yours. Even though it's a foreign grasp, the calluses on his hands are something you're familiar with. His grip is strong and steadfast, keeping you on your feet, though just barely. Paimon flutters into you space. Some part of your brain understands that she's talking to you but the other parts refuse to understand what she's saying. Aether's hand is on your shoulder. You wish it was as grounding as he probably hoped for it to be.

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