Chapter Five: Old Faces

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(A/N): Hey, guys! Sorry it's been eighty-four years since I last updated. :,) I've been busy with work and spending time with my new puppy, along with the fact I haven't been sleeping very well at all due to paranoia and one other thing that I don't feel I should mention publicly.

Anyways!! I managed to finally find time to finish up this chapter! I hope you like it, and if anything needs to be fixed or changed, just let me know. Constructive criticism is always appreciated!


Every fish they had caught was thrown back into the lake, save for three, which had been set in the cooler for the night's dinner. Jerry watched the water shift and move under them as Jacob rowed the boat back to shore. It calmed him, to some degree; made his heart ache a little less, as if seeing the fish swim just below the surface and the bugs settling over various floating debris to soak up the warmth of the sun was enough to remind him that he was okay in the present moment, that he could take some time and breath.

"Did you have fun?" Leonard stared at him expectantly, a small smile on his face.

Jerry continued to stare at the water, "Yeah, I did," he muttered, and he really meant it.

"Good," Leonard replied, a content air settling over him, "I'm glad."

The trio remained quiet as they dismounted and gathered their supplies, heading back to the car.


"You seem a little troubled today," Dr. Wong noted as she took a seat across from Jerry, "Did something happen?"

"Ah, well..." Jerry rubbed the back of his neck, eyes downcast to focus on the carpet, "I..." he swallowed thickly, mind searching for the right words, "Um, I've been... since our last meeting, I've been trying to be more," he made a vague gesture with his hand, "I guess, open? Like, I—I've been..." he paused, briefly thinking over the events that took place the last few days, "I don't know... things haven't really seemed to... change," he quietly admitted.

"How so?"

Jerry grimaced, "I took up... a new hobby, just like you recommended, and when my family asked about it, they..." he sighed, leaning back against the couch, "They didn't really care, but... more than that? Like, they only asked me just because, and not because they wanted to hear about my day."

Dr. Wong hummed in response, "Did you tell them how that made you feel?"

"... I did..." he quietly replied, "But... I guess I could have said it better," he fiddled with the button on his sleeve, "I mean, I wasn't really specific about why it upset me. I just, kind of... asked them what was wrong with it... asked if I was allowed to be happy..."

"And how did they respond?"

"They didn't."

They were just coming into town when Jerry saw the movie theater sitting a few blocks across the street, its sign faded with a paper sheet taped up on the door that read "CLOSED," while a list of times sat under it. He vaguely remembered the last movie he saw there, having been around ten. If he remembered right, it was the first movie that he officially saw by himself, and even paid with his own money.

What was it called again...? It was animated, and there was definitely a llama involved. At some point, someone had made a joke, and leaned over the seat beside him, offering gummy worms...

"Hey, could I..." Jerry turned, leaning forward in his seat, "Is it alright if I walk the rest of the way?"

Jacob couldn't help the surprise that crossed his face, "You sure?" he asked, tilting his head slightly, eyes still on the road, "It's a pretty long walk, isn't it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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