Prologue Part 4: Fresh start with a new me!

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After the nice dinner and chatting with Kayama, she helped you settle into the guest room. When you layed down she sat on the bed next to you and played with your hair. She talked to you a bit. This relaxed you a lot and soon you fell asleep.

The next day you woke up, Kayama was making breakfast letting you know after you'd both head to the police station. Aizawa was already there, he chose to stay after his summary of the patrol and start working on things for your case with the detective. There was also someone called in from UA to check your wounds, Kayama called her recovery girl, she was the school nurse. They specifically asked for her so she could help with the healing after checking and taking note of all your wounds.

The breakfast was some chocolate chip pancakes with a side of fruit. It was all really good. After you went back up to change into something comfortable. A tennis skirt, tank top, an oversized sweater and some knee high socks. Kayama said to wear something that had easy access to any injuries, which led to a skirt and tank top. The skirt just covered most of the bandages on your thighs, while the sweater covered most of the ones on your top half. After finishing getting ready, Kayama and you headed out. She had changed too, mentioning her and Present mic often visit Aizawa, leaving some spare clothes there too.

We finally reached the station, upon arrival you were introduced to the recovery girl. She asked you some questions as to how you got each injury. When you brought up your scratching habit, she just mentioned to put cream on and wrap the area to prevent yourself from scratching directly on the skin since it was only specific spots. After she got note of everything with some pictures of your back injuries, she kissed your back healing the injuries. She gave you some gummies and explained her quirk. Then you were brought to a room with the detective, or the man you met yesterday, tsukauchi. He asked a bunch of questions, which you answered. He apparently knew some of your family's history, well your dad's at least. He worked with a few of his pro hero friends that had moved here to Japan. Once it was over he mentioned you were going to be left in Aizawa's care and not to worry too much.

Arriving back at Aizawa's place, you both chose to take a nap after lunch from the long day. Later when he was planning dinner, Kayama stopped by with Present Mic. He too insists you call him by his last name, Yamada. All of you enjoyed dinner, mostly Kayama and Yamada were talking. They all seemed to have picked up that you are very quiet, probably due to everything that happened in the past day. Yamada was nice and insisted on braiding your hair, which was fine with you. You were sitting on the floor with him, there wasn't really a coffee table in the lounge, just a rug in the center. Kayama had taken to finding shows or movies to watch, while sitting on the couch to the side. Aizawa was relaxing on the couch behind you and Yamada, he looked exhausted still.

"So little listener, what's your quirk? Nemuri mentioned wanting to recommend you after witnessing you hold off a villain." Yamada finally brought up your quirk and UA. Aizawa probably learned of your quirk from the documents and Kayama. Kayama had mentioned the 3 of them all worked at UA.

"It's called pressure, I can basically change the gravitational pull of an object, area or person to cause waves of pressure to push down crushing or holding them down. I can change the strength but it's pretty hard to control on things that are more specific." He seems curious about the capabilities of your quirk, and so does Aizawa.

"Say kid, you mentioned your quirk being too destructive or dangerous for hero work. What exactly caused that reaction?" Kayama asks the golden ticket question.

"I've crushed an entire building on accident before." This causes a shocked reaction.

"How did you manage that?" Aizawa thought you had more control over it, it doesn't seem like a quirk you could really accidentally activate.

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