11. This is weird!

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Last chapter: "I should calm down. If I keep staying as stressed as I already am,I'll make things harder."

He looked at me and I didn't knew how to react.This moment was weird and full of confusion. Are we even in love or on an only night stand? This is not going to end well....I'm sure of that.

He slowly lifted up my legs by the ankles as he started kissing me. I'm scared it might end violent. I'm not sure of what he's truely up to. Does he loves me or does he sees me as a toy he can use? Either way, I don't want to know how this will end.

Souta: No need to be shy. It's just you and me,isn't it?

I didn't answer. I felt like answering will make things escale and I just didn't wanted to. I don't want to lose my virginity so fast. I was thinking I'll lose it at 18. Seems like things came faster than I thought.

Souta: Why aren't you answering?

Sebastian: ......

Souta: Answer me!

I could see his frustration through his eyes but it made me want to smile. Very unnatural of me but I tried to not smile,keeping a blank expresion. Was he for real going to do this?
He looked down at me,sadly as he let a long sigh.

Souta: Doesn't matter anymore. I'll have my way with you a way or another.

He'll have his way with me? How though? I need explications. What did he meant by that? I'm still not used to english so much but I'm trying my best to understand english even though it's kind of stopping me sometimes. His way with me? What could that mean?
I could feel him getting closer to me. I kinda started to panic about it. It's just a joke,isn't it?
This...this is weird.
He smiled at me,but this was just getting weirder and weirder. I'm scared of what could happen. Many possibilities. But who knows?

Souta: Ready?

Sebastian: Ready for what?

Souta: this!

He forced two fingers inside by anus. Okay,this hurted but if I screamed he would think I enjoy it and I don't want to him to think that so I'll just keep my peace. It's better this way.
I just made a hurt face and thats it. It felt awkward anyway. He looked at me,surprised.

Souta: What's wrong? Scared? Don't worry.

He sounded like he was making fun of me.
He started thrusting his fingers in and out of me,smiling. It does hurt,it actually hurts more than I expected. I mean,forcing two fi
I'm trying to stay calm but I can't get used to the pain.
Souta didn't stop but made the movement faster.
A softly moan came out of my mouth. I'm not sure how that got out while I was trying to hold it in.
Souta smiled as he heard me,starting to thrust his fingers harder into me.
If felt like he knew it hurted me but didn't cared.
I started to groan and whimper as he thrusted harder,hitting my pelvis.
It hurted so much,I couldn't control myself.
He finally pulled his fingers out,leaving me panting on the bed.

Souta: You know where this is going,don't you?

Sebastian: Huh?

He grabbed me by my weist and turned me around,putting me on my stomach and spreading my legs apart.

Souta: Don't play dumb.

I'm confused.what does he meant?
He smirked and he grabbed me by my hips.

Souta: Don't worry. I will go slow.

I could feel him inserting his dick inside me. He then started thrusting slowly but increased the speed after some seconds. It hurted but I couldn't get myself to speak but moan again.

Souta: You like it,huh? I bet you love it.

He started pounded faster and harder. It hurted....it hurted so much. Is this how love really feels? This feeling....filling up my body with heat and fear.
I don't understand what's happening to me or my body. This is too much to take.

Sebastian: Aaaaaahhhh....

I should keep my mouth shut. This is wrong. I shouldn't have done this. Why am I like this? I should shut up.

Souta: I'l fuck you senseless until you submit yourself to me.

These words......so careless.
I felt like I was melting as he continued. This is truely weird but satisfing in some way.
Yeah,I totally am enjoying this somehow.
Thrusting and thrusting. It still hurted.

Souta: .......

I felt and a hand grabbing my wrists and pulling me up. The fuck? What was he planing on doing? This doesn't seem to be having a good end at all.
This moment was unexpectable. He pulled me closer. This was it. The moment I never thought it will ever come.

Sorry for the wait and sorry for the trauma😔
Forgive me😭

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