12. Aftercare but shitty made 😍

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Last chapter: "This moment was unexpectable. He pulled me closer. This was it. The moment I never thought it will ever come."

I was shaking and whimpering. Feeling like my legs couldn't let me stand anymore.
Suddently I hear his voice.

Souta: Stay still.

At first I didn't understood this words but then.......I felt like I was getting filled with something. I started twiching.He just came inside me with no warning...Well,almost no warning.
We both fell on the bed and he collapsed on top of me. I felt like I couldn't move anymore.
He pulled out and pat my head.

Souta: Stay here. I'll be back.

He ran out of the room leaving me there. Was he leaving me for good? How cruel.
After some minutes I see him entering the room again. Holding some kind of tave with some towels,tisues and tea.

Souta: Here,drink this.

He gave me a cup of tea. I drank it. Hm,warm. He was actually taking care of me?
Souta then picked me up and cleaned me. I'm confused. The fuck is happening?

Souta: Are you okay?

Sebastian: Yes

He then laid me on the bed and put the blanket over me. Looks like he cared for me,after all.
I felt a bit sleepy. I mean,who wouldn't after all this? This is just a human feeling.

Sebastian: I'm tired.

Souta: Oh? You're tired? How about you take your time an sleep? I can sleep with you if you want me to.

Sebastian: Okay.

He laid in bed next to me and hugged me. I felt safe into his arms but my legs still hurted.

Sebastian: My legs hurt.

Souta took a pillow and put it between my legs.
I was feeling like my eyes were slowly closing. I felt tired and the hour was 02:28 AM. Well,it's already late. Maybe I should try and sleep.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep faster then I imagined. I was just tired.


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