Hospital wing

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I tried opening my eyes but the light around me was to bright. I heard whispering to my left. I shifted my head to the left. There in the hospital bed next to me was Harry awakening. On the foot of his bed and side tables were flowers and gifts. Ron, Hermione, and Sirena were around him. Harry was groaning and asking what happened

"ah Harry you are awake. Professor Dumbledore has come to see you" says a voice which i know is Madam Pomfery's.

"Off you three go" She says shooing Ron, Hermione, and Sirena away.

Dumbledore walks up to Harry's bed and thanks Madam Pomfrey.

"Professor, what happened" asked Harry sitting up.

Dumbledore explained what had happened with every little detail.

"So Luna jumped off her broom saved me from dementors and produced a patronus" he said shocked.

I chuckled internally.

Dumbledore nodded.

"what was her patronus" Harry asked.

"a lion" He said looking at me.

My eyes widened.

I shifted my head the other way and closed my eyes before Harry could see that i was awake.

Pain was spreading everywhere.

I guess that's what happened when you jump off you broom 20 feet in the air.

"Luna?" Asked Harry.


"i think she is still asleep" said Dumbledore.

Thank Merlin Dumbledore is understanding.

"I have been wondering about a few things" said Harry.

Oh god.

"about my sister." he adds.

"Ask away" said Dumbledore.

"Does she know i am her brother? If she does why hasn't she talked to me? How does she look like? Is she nice? where was she for the past 13 years?...why are you smiling?" He says.

Yes. I am not allowed to tell you. I look like you. I would hope so. In an orphanage.

I answered all the questions in my head.

"It is time you meet her" says Dumbledore calmly.

"Really!! where is she." Exclaims Harry. I heard the squeaking of his bed.

I took a proper look around me.

There was a little pile of gifts and a few flowers on my bedside table. Its not as big as Harry's but i am grateful.

" Harry she has been so close to you but you looked right through her not bothering to search closer to you." said Dumbledore.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Harry.

I had to stop myself from yelling that I am his sister. I have to let Dumbledore do that.

"Your sister is Luna Sirius Potter" he said. There was a long silence.

I felt Harry's eyes on the back of my head.

"Luna?... is my sister?"

"Yes-" Dumbledore started but was cut off by Mcgonagall running towards him.

"Albus...Sirius Black had destroyed the Gryfindor portrait" said Mcgonagall.

" Harry we will have to continue you this conversation an other time."

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