Chapter 4

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After driving through the barrier, the group drove through the Isle and came to a stop next to the alley that led to Celia's dad's place.

"Hey, I'm me again." Mal said happily as she touched her face.

"Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here." Celia told Mal. "Kind of the point."

"Welcome back." Evie told Mal as she wrapped an arm around Mal's shoulder as Celia led the group away.

"Thank you." Mal said with a smile.

Celia led the group over to a door that read "Pa Deranje." Celia started to knock on the door before pausing as someone on the other side knocked back. Celia knocked again and the door opened causing Celia to turn to the others with a grin and gesturing them inside. They followed Celia through the arcade before she ran ahead of them when she saw her dad.

"Daddy!" Celia called out, excited as she ran to her dad who lifted her and spun her around.

The others watched them with smiles on their faces.

"Here she is." Celia's father said before leading her away.

The other vk's looked around as they let Celia and her dad have their moment and for Celia to get the key to Hades' lair. Carlos went over to an older model of a tv and put a coin in it to turn it on to show the news of what is happening in Auradon.

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon." The news reporter said.

"Uh, guys? Come look at this." Carlos called out.

The group quickly surrounded him as they watched the new report with Celia and her dad following them.

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell." The reporter continued. "We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way."

The vk's quickly grabbed their stuff and left the arcade to see Harry Hook, Gil, and some of the other pirates sitting on their bikes that they left outside.

"Wow! Rookie mistake." Carlos exclaimed.

"Long time nay see." Harry said mockingly with a large grin on his face.

"Get off my bike, Hook." Jay exclaimed angrily.

"Catch me if you can, Jay." Harry shouted as he and the other pirates drove away.

"Over the roofs. Cut them off." Jay told Carlos and Evie as they split up.

"Yup." Carlos said as he went one way.

Celia started to rup after them but Mal stopped her. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you. They got this. You and me gotta go find the ember."

"Good timing. It's right about his nap time." Celia told Mal as she started to lead the way to Hades lair.

Celia led Mal to a cave that had a locked metal gate in front of it. It had an outline of a skull on it with the words "get lost" above it. Celia put the key in the hole and turned it when Mal saw the sign behind Celia.

"Hey. How big is that dog?" Mal asked Celia as she gestured to the "beware of dog" sign.

"You'll see." Celia told Mal seriously before opening the gate and walking inside. "Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here." Celia warned Mal before leading the way through the cave. Mal jumped when she heard a dog barking. "Come on." Celia said as gestured for Mal to keep moving.

Celia led Mal over to a two person bike that had mining hats on it. They both put the hats on and turned on the lights before getting on the bike and riding it through the tunnels. Celia gave Mal a thumbs up as they came to a stop. They quietly got off the bike and put the hats down. Celia gestured to Hades sleeping on the couch with the ember next to him and Mal nodded. They continued carefully down the stairs when the barking started again causing Mal to look around. Celia pointed to a record player that was playing a record. Mal rolled her eyes and continued to walk straight towards Hades when Celia stopped her. Celia gestured for Mal to around the couch so she could sneak up behind Hades. As Mal crept towards Hades, Celia got annoyed with the record and turned it off causing Hades to wake up.

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