59: Riley

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"Goodbye", she mouthed. She knew she was going to leave me, and it broke my heart. I couldn't even focus on watching Lugh sink into the earth, my eyes burning with tears as I watched Mia bleed out across from me. I could see her breathing quicken as shock took hold of her body, and found myself scrambling across the grass to reach her as the hole in the ground began to seal itself shut.

I lunged towards her body, pulling her legs from the shrinking gap, hauling her across the grass to safety.

When I saw the state she was in, I felt my soul shatter into a million pieces. My wolf felt absolutely broken. With trembling hands, I pulled her into my lap, cradling her cold body as she struggled to catch her breath. Her eyes were screwed shut in pain and her whole body smeared with the blood pouring from her abdomen.

My tears fell on her cheeks. "Why did you do that?"

Her mouth opened, as she tried to get the words out. "It was the only way".

I shook my head aggressively, clutching on to her as if I could keep her with me. "We could have figured something out", I sobbed. "You can't leave me".

My mate's eyes opened slightly, I could see her glassy eyes brimming with tears, but she held them back for my sake. "You're gonna be okay my love".

I screamed. My rage, grief and feelings of defeat bursting through me. I stared at the sky, feeling hot tears cascade down my cheeks.

"Somebody", I roared. "Help her". I begged the universe for aid. The Moon Goddess, the Earth Goddess, anyone. Divine intervention had taken over our lives and spun them out of control, but when we needed it most there was no sign.

"You fucking cowards".

My voice was becoming hoarse as I yelled, pulling Mia impossibly closer to my chest. Her hand reached up to caress my cheek, pulling my attention back to her as I rocked back and forth, cradling her in my arms.

"You have to promise me-".

"No, don't you start that".

She did her best to look at me with a determined gaze.

"You have to promise me that you will look after everyone, and live".

I felt dread consume me. "No. No you are not dying on me".

Her eyes fluttered shut once more, and her breaths quickened in pace. Seconds later, her arms fell to her sides and her head lolled to one side. She was gone.

I shrieked. Uncontrollable sobs overtook my body as I shook Mia's small frame. I begged her to open her eyes, to talk to me, but I knew she wouldn't.

As I wept, I heard the shuffling of feet coming towards me. My eyes looked up just enough to see Don, soaked in blood and dirt. His eyes were filled with tears too and he collapsed on the grass in front of Mia's body. He held out his hands, looking almost afraid to touch her as his bottom lip trembled.

"No. No, no, no. This wasn't supposed to happen".

My tears subsided for just a second, so that I could speak. Through chapped lips I addressed him.

"She sacrificed herself. For us".

My clutch on her body didn't weaken as we sat on the grass. Rain began to pour down on us, but we paid it no heed. Soon groups of pack members began to circle us, and I realized that everyone had survived. Everyone but Mia.

My dad's supporting hand held my shoulder, while my mom sobbed into his chest. I looked down at my mate's pale face. She looked peaceful, as if she was asleep. My tears continued to stream as I silently cursed myself for allowing this to happen.

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