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Hello everyone!

As you know, the sequel to I Want Her, With Her Love is in production at the minute. I have had a series of personal issues that have lead to several absences, however the story will continue to be updated weekly until its completion from here on.

As well as this, I have a new book in the works. I decided to change things up to challenge myself, and this book is a straight werewolf romance! If that is not your thing, don't worry, I will have more wlw coming in the future! If that is your thing though, I hope you tune in to read it once I begin publishing here on Wattpad. It will be under my writing name, C. L. Bear, instead of my username for a change! I will be posting the blurb, and possibly a teaser soon!

Thank you all for your continued support.
Lot's of love,
C. L. Bear

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