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          ‘No…no, no, no….NO!’ Veronica shouted yet again as I failed to impersonate her to her high standard. I sighed and slumped down in my chair, earning myself yet another reprimand from the Lady.

          ‘We have been doing this for six days straight. You are leaving tomorrow. If I haven’t got it by now, I never will,’ I said, staring up at her as she towered over me.

          ‘You are almost there Charlie, seriously. Your accent is flawless now, although you do tend to slip back to your own when you are focusing on other things. You have all the traits down, trust me, but it’s just putting them together and doing them unconsciously,’ Veronica said, pacing in front of me whilst Katherine and Laura sat on an obscenely expensive looking desk behind her, sniggering at my misfortune.

We were currently in Veronica’s house, in her father’s study, and the carpet looked more expensive then my entire lifestyle put together. Oh, how the other half lived.

          ‘Remind me why I’m doing this again?’ I muttered to myself, and the girls laughed harder, earning themselves a disapproving stare from Veronica.

          ‘OK, let’s go over the history again,’ she said, grabbing a chair and sitting opposite me, back perfectly straight, legs crossed and hands resting on her thighs, fingers clasped together. I looked at her for a moment before mimicking the stance perfectly and smiling exactly as she did before adopting a British accent.

          ‘My name is Veronica Sandhurst-Winthrope, I am twenty years old and an only child. My middle name is Amelia and I have two horses, Chestnut and Bailey. My father is Lord Robert and my mother Lady Elizabeth, both whom I love very much. I’m also fourteenth in line to the British throne, but I’m not one to brag-’

          ‘Don’t deviate-’ she interrupted, and I rolled my eyes before continuing.

          ‘I reside in London, but my family has homes in Morocco, France, Spain and California, not to mention many other holiday residences all over the world. I drive Audi R8, but prefer to use Rick, my driver, in my Rolls Royce Phantom most of the time.’ I smirked at the last part, which Veronica subtly ignored.

          ‘I have a dog, which I love, called Sprinkles-’ cue hushed snorts of laughter from my friends at such a ridiculous name- ‘and she goes everywhere with me,’ here I paused and looked at her. ‘I’m not carrying some dog around with me. I’m allergic,’ I said before she could interrupt. She looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling at me.

          ‘We will say Sprinkles is ill. She can stay at home.’

          ‘And what about your parents? They are going to be able to tell that I am not their daughter.’ There was a flicker of what looked like hurt across Veronica’s face before the mask popped back up.

          ‘They won’t be around. You probably will never see them, so you don’t need to worry.’ There was an incredibly awkward silence as we all tried to think of something to say. Unfortunately we were interrupted by the rumbling of my stomach.

          ‘Can I please eat something?’ I begged, but Veronica simply shook her head.

          ‘No, you have two pounds to lose by tomorrow, so you are not eating. I will not look fat in magazines, that I can promise you.’ She said sternly, holding eye contact as she stood up and started pacing again. ‘Now, continue.’

          ‘Wha-? Oh, right. My favourite colour is purple, my favourite television show is a cross between Glee and Vampire Diaries,’ I rolled my eyes, ‘and my favourite band is…’ it took a moment for the words to force themselves out of my mouth in a clipped British accent, ‘One Direction.’ There, I said it.

A Love, a Lie and a False Identity (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now